You have made a very good point because no matter how much someone tries to live by himself without associating with people physically, it is always going to affect the mental state of the person which is why I am a sound advocate of people having a life with their fellow human beings and not...
I can remember when my auntie was pregnant. It was a very sensitive and difficult time for the entire family because every slightest thing gives her mood swing and she's going to make your life a living hell.
I can understand that it's your opinion about relationships based on your experience. But I'm very sure it's not all relationships that are useless and melodramatic. I love my partner so much and she does love me too.
I don't have any problems with my lover being jealous. It shows that she really loves me and don't want to share me with any other person. But there's a limit to everything. She wouldn't try to force me not a have a life of my own because she's too jealous. I won't take that.
This is a very common thing in my country. Some family members go to the extent of killing one another over such inheritance. It only proved to me that no one truly cares about you when you're alive or dead either. They just want to take your things.
You should never beg people to be your friend. We all have something to offer as long as we are alive. It's only dead people that doesn't have anything to offer. If one doesn't see your worth, walk away from him or her.
Love is completely different from what it used to be years ago. People of this generation do not value love. It's all about sex and money for them. It's impacted on what love it about and how it's viewed by most people.
The pressure which comes with relationships gets too unbearable especially when you're dating someone whom isn't trustworthy. Most people now in relationships are not faithful to their relationships and that's very bad.
From my experience with being depressed in my relationship, it's when the relationship isn't healthy and with good trust level, all the pressure coming up into the relationship will have you depressed and snuffed off of your happiness all the time.
My life isn't hooked up with my smartphone. I will certainly be okay if they take away my smartphone for one week. It would give me a long time to rest off the internet.
All rapists deserve the needle after they have been castrated. They can't be allowed to roam about freely in the world damaging people's lives and getting away with it.
To be very frank, it would be possible to get me all depressed. I'm not sure how to cope with being HIV positive. It's why I'm very careful when it comes to doing anything that's going to expose me to the virus.
I do not think that she's trying to heal in this situation but being revengeful. It's never a good way to deal with break up after a relationship. It screws one's mentally.
Dealing with being a Bipolar isn't an easy easy task. A lot of people find it very difficult to associate with anyone who's suffering from Bipolar Disorder because of how unpredictable they can be most of the time. Do you think that you can date someone that's suffering from Bipolar Disorder?
Depression is very technical to deal with because it's something that's connected with someone's emotions and psychology. This is why it's very difficult to treat quickly. In a situation where all you have done to get your depression sorted out have failed including drugs, what's the next step...
I don't really think that being isolated is a very good strategy to deal with depression. With the possibility of having death wish and suicidal thoughts, being all alone is a very big risk. A friend of mine says he's better off being isolated whenever he's depressed and I wonder how that works...
My own Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is with the repetition of words three times before I would be able to move on from the subject. It kind of makes me focus more on anything that's I'm talking about.
I don't know if anyone specifically the ladies have experienced depression when they were pregnant? How did you cope with your pregnancy when you were depressed? A lady friend of mine almost got rid of her own pregnancy as a result of being depressed over it.
Apart from being online, I find it very difficult to talk to people whom I'm not familiar with. Even online, I would have to evaluate your online presence and comments before I would be comfortable to talk with you.
Hi, I'm Roberto. I'm very happy to be here in this Talk Depression forum. I'm not depressed at the moment but I have been in the past. I'm here to learn more and share my experiences.