Talk Depression

Kate Gosselin Depressed over Show Cancellation
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Before you start wondering if we are turning this site into TMZ, let me assure you that we are not. The reason I wanted to bring up the whole Kate Gosselin thing is because it shows a very jaded attitude by the media in relation to the disease of depression, making it seem petty or just a plea for money. But the only real difference between her case and many other Americans, even high paid executives, being let go is that hers has played out on national TV.

Of course, one could argue that that was her choice, but think about it for a second. You are faced with raising 8 children. Do you know how expensive that is? And so in order to be able to afford that, you have to make decisions that you may not be proud of, but as long as they’re legal, why not? Given her situation, would you honestly turn down a TV show that would pay all your expenses for your children and allow you to live pretty well? Especially if you had little other prospects that paid well enough? I...
Hockey and Depression
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Professional Hockey is a hard life for most of the players, even though it may not seem like it when you hear about million dollar contracts. It’s hard to imagine someone being depressed with that kind of money, but depression is not about money, it’s about feeling. And in some cases, instead of easing the pain, the money fuels the addiction that ultimately leads to the destruction of the person.

I bring this up because Wade Belak, who was 35 and recently retired from being an enforcer for the Predators and before that for the Toronto Maple Leafs, was found dead in Toronto and while no cause of death has been officially issued, the police report says that it was most likely suicide from hanging. He is the third hockey player in two months to die of either a drug overdose or taking his own life. And that has brought the sport’s ability to cope with mental deficiencies under fire.

You see, when you are a “warrior” as often players are known, there is no room for...