Trauma and Depression?


If you've been through a traumatic even that has scarred you for life like me, for me it's : seeing a penis for the 1st time (my oral rapist’s) going through domestic violence till 32 years old, going through violence and abuse in school, it's likely that you have PTDS and depression. I've had suicide ideation and depression because of it. Yes, violence and abuse by anyone else can lead to suicidal depression and attempts.
I have been in the same situation when I was still a teenager. Our house maid tried to rape me twice. She hanged out her breast all over me and I was scared to death. It's was very difficult being close to a woman after that experience.
It's a very big shame when our family that is supposed to take care of us turn out to be the ones that put us into being depressed all of our lives and damaged. Some parents are horrible human beings.
My wife has blamed me for losing our child to social services. She keeps going to jail and for many months, unlike last time she was in jail, she isn't contacting. It's not a happy situation.
I haven't been any traumatic event that made me have suicidal thoughts but I could actually understand a bit because I have also experienced certain hard times that took me extra effort to get over it.
The only time that I was traumatized and which leads to depression was when I lost my guardian. I was so afraid and scared that I won't be able to make a decision or know the path to follow in life or even worse that I don't have a future anymore.

I struggled for a long time until the reality started making sense to me. I think knowing the truth helped me to heal from trauma.
I was so close to my grandma before she died, that was 3 years ago. Till now I still have the trauma, though it did not lead to depression for me.
I was molested at the age of 12 by my grandpa for a few years and then raped at around the age of 14 by my neighbor. I cant even have sex with my husband. It's horrible and I feel bad for him. I have really bad depression from all my abuse and that no one. (family) believed me.
Well trauma is one of the major causes of depression no doubt. If anyone has traumatic experiences when growing up they might end up feeling depressed eventually. That is why one should manage the trauma at the early stages.
If you've been through a traumatic even that has scarred you for life like me, for me it's : seeing a penis for the 1st time (my oral rapist’s) going through domestic violence till 32 years old, going through violence and abuse in school, it's likely that you have PTDS and depression. I've had suicide ideation and depression because of it. Yes, violence and abuse by anyone else can lead to suicidal depression and attempts.
Please try as much as possible to take care of yourself because whatever that is happening to you is something that looks very serious and I hope it doesn't get worse.
I was molested at the age of 12 by my grandpa for a few years and then raped at around the age of 14 by my neighbor. I cant even have sex with my husband. It's horrible and I feel bad for him. I have really bad depression from all my abuse and that no one. (family) believed me.
That's horrible. I hope those people are brought to the book? It's a very dangerous thing which will always bring trauma to you and can affect your sexual life too. I hope you get heal of all these so that you can enjoy your husband.