Stigma of Panic Attacks and Anxiety.

I never really noticed befor until I met someone a few years ago in my neighborhood that suffers from anxiety and panic attacks just how common a problem it is. The only reason I found out was that my wife and his wife work together and talked .We are both not interested in anyone finding out as people who don't understand ,Think JUST GET OVER IT. I wish . Sleepless nights waking up with the worst feeling in the world. I know there are a pile of afflictions of the mind ,But it seems the less obvious the illness the more it is shunned by people as an excuse.

Just an Observation (not a rant)
Admitting to the world that you suffer from a disorder is not easy, plus unfortunately not many people are sensitive to the many issues that depressed individuals are dealing with so many people just stay quite and deal with issues on their own. My school counselor told me that OVER half of college students in my school have one form of recorded mental health issues and are either taking medication, counseling or have certain arrangements with professors ahead of time (sitting in a certain section in class, not being called on by the professor, having more time to do a test, etc) So I know we are not alone, there are many people walking among us that are depressed, suffer from anxiety, paranoia, are bi-polar, have ADD or ADHD but chose to keep it quite.


People are always suffering from panic attack as a result of something that is happening with them which they cannot really be able to explain in a way for other people to understand. All these are psychologically connected which is why we need to understand people and give them chance to express themselves in a way that we can be able to help them out.
It's good to be an understanding fellow especially when someone sees you as a pillar to lean and talk to. I understand and I know that panic attack isn't something that we can start telling everybody, some few people that can help is only bound to know what's going on inside our head.
You will be surprised at the number of people that deal with such anxieties on a daily basis. We can’t know because it’s not written on the face, but many people do panic often than we think.
You will be surprised at the number of people that deal with such anxieties on a daily basis. We can’t know because it’s not written on the face, but many people do panic often than we think.
Indeed, the reason we don't know who faces these problem is because they don't go around carrying it on their head. Some people are even good at masking the feeling of anxiety with a smile that looks so genuine you wouldn't have guessed something is wrong.
You will be surprised at the number of people that deal with such anxieties on a daily basis. We can’t know because it’s not written on the face, but many people do panic often than we think.
People are going through a lot and I am pitying them as well. I am never taken for granted any pain that someone told me. I always try to find my way to help in the little way I can.