I want to move out of my parents ASAP but they refuse to give me my own money to spend from disability, they want to control and decide everything for me, hence why I’ve called the cops on them because they’ve threatened to lock me up on an insane asylum should I choose to stand up for myself to...
Personally, I just pref to be single mysel. Being sex-repulsed and aro-ace, I personally prefer my freedom, independence and aut of choice and decision and living the li I want over a relationshi.
I’m trying new skincare products to make them go away faster. This has been cau me suicidal thoughts and feelings this whole month. But af a few days of using them, it seems to be healing. I’m finally feeling better again today.
For me personally at least anyways, I find genitalia to be disgusting. A penis looks like a big sausage and a hot-dog to me personall. So not at all appealing.
Today marks exactly 6 years since I’ve been depressed or suicidal. I’ve been blessed with good psychiatrists, therapists and general physicians for my physical health. I’ve been able to solve most of my health issues without throwing a temper tantrum, and I’ve matured a lot. I’m proud of myself...
From a male or female perspectiv, how do you handle rejections? I personally have had all sorts : not taking no for an answe, stalkin, obsessing with me, sexual harassment and putting me down saying “I’m not really that attracted to you.” and etc.
As an aro-ace person, I’ve never had a heartbreak after a breakup. But my ex has unfollowed me and blocked me. I guess he wants to have closure and heal from it all. I guess it also depends on the investm you’ve made into the relationship. How long does it take for you personally and what do you...
I have personally met a guy who’s a Drama King and a man child. Not fun anyways for me personally. He would always change minds at the last minute. Very stressful and melodramatic. I’ve personally hated it. Been on a few dates with him, but it hasn’t amounted into a relationship.