Recent content by Flint

  1. Flint

    Friends with Benefits?

    If you that you're going to be a cheater in a serious relationship, I think that it's better for you to have friends with benefits mutual arrangements with as many people you want as possible.
  2. Flint

    Thoughts on Cheaters?

    Some people don't really know what they want in a relationship. It's this confusion that makes them to jump from one person to another even when they are still in a so called serious relationship with someone.
  3. Flint

    The Oldest Person to fall in Love with you?

    I have been in relationship with someone older than me and vice versa before. The oldest person that I have been in love with was 7 years older than me. I was 20 years at the time.
  4. Flint

    Marriage and Kids?

    I don't care about any kind of stress my kids are going to cause me, I will still want them and love them regardless. It's like how people feel about their pets.
  5. Flint

    Too beautiful for my own Good?

    There are so many people who are perverts out there which is why you have to be very careful with how you associate with people and where you go to meet people. This is because a lot of them will take advantage of you at the slightest opportunity they have.
  6. Flint

    Unrequited Love Kills!

    I will always categorize such people as very being stupid and useless because I cannot understand the reason why simply because someone refused to love you back, you will now decide to commit suicide and end your life. That is the height of madness as far as I'm concerned.
  7. Flint

    What if a spouse is depressed?

    There is a reason why there are professionals who are best suited to help you whenever you are depressed. So, if your partner is suffering from depression and you don't know how to help them, it is better for you to encourage them to seek medical help so that they will get better.
  8. Flint

    Why do People assume you're their Girlfriend or Boyfriend?

    Before someone starts assuming that you are their boyfriend or girlfriend, you must have been giving them the body language that suggest to them it is what you are feeling as well. This is why you have to know the kind of body language information that you give to someone you are not interested...
  9. Flint

    Relationships, what for?

    I want to have kids and family. This is why I have high hopes on relationship. What's very important is for you to make sure that you end up with the right person as your partner or you're going to see hell in your relationship.
  10. Flint

    "Personally, I'm also very rich!"

    He can have any women that's interested in his money would have been what he should say. Unfortunately, that's not you. You don't want his money or anything to do with him. Such men are usually abusive in relationship.
  11. Flint

    Possession and Depression?

    I have never dated anyone who treat me like a possession or an object. I wouldn't even allow that to happen. I think it's when you're so eye glued on money someone can use you like that in a relationship.
  12. Flint

    Obsession and Depression?

    The only that I'm obsessed with is the happiness of my mother. She did so much for me in making sure that I become a better person in life. Now, it's my time to give her back everything to her.
  13. Flint

    Friends with Ex?

    I don't have any interest in being in a relationship or communication with my ex. There's a reason why they are exes, once we are no longer in a relationship, we are done because I'm going to move on completely.
  14. Flint

    Why can't People take Rejections?

    No one likes being rejected, it's why some people are not okay with being rejected. I don't like it to be honest because it makes me feel like I'm a fool. Also, I don't like it when someone pretends to like me.
  15. Flint

    Have you dated anyone narcissistic personally?

    Dating someone with a narcissistic personality is a very wrong move. If they manage to hide it from me in the beginning, once I find out along the way, I'll end the relationship immediately.