What if a spouse is depressed?


Staff member
It might not be us, but a spouse that is battling with feelings of depression. Those that do not have much idea about it might not know how to help the spouses in such situation. Well one thing that I know can help is to always remind them that they are enough, and whatever they feel will pass.

How do you think depressed spouses can be helped?
Firstly, tell them that they are enough. Words of affirmation and encouragement will go a long way to help them first.
Tell them that you know what they are feeling and they are free to share with you.
There is a reason why there are professionals who are best suited to help you whenever you are depressed.

So, if your partner is suffering from depression and you don't know how to help them, it is better for you to encourage them to seek medical help so that they will get better.
When a spouse is depressed it is always wise to give them some space but also be sure that they know that if they want to or are ready to, they can talk to you and you will be there for them.

Sometimes someone who is depressed just needs to know that there is someone there who will listen.
When I was depressed, I needed some space because I felt I am being choked with the caring and attention form my family, yeah I told them that I am passing through something. That space really did a lot of wonder for me.
My husband has PTSD and anxiety/depression. It's hard at times as I have those issues as well. I give him lots of hugs and kisses. His love language is quality time and physical touch. Mine is words of a formation and quality time.
My husband has PTSD and anxiety/depression. It's hard at times as I have those issues as well. I give him lots of hugs and kisses. His love language is quality time and physical touch. Mine is words of a formation and quality time.
Show them love! It's the only way to help them more than you think because they are feeling so empty without your love. You're doing right by your hubby. I hope he's feeling better now?
My husband has PTSD and anxiety/depression. It's hard at times as I have those issues as well. I give him lots of hugs and kisses. His love language is quality time and physical touch. Mine is words of a formation and quality time.
That's good of you. The only thing they always need is our soothing words and comfort. I hope he's getting better now? I know that one day he will appreciate what you did to him.
When I was depressed, I needed some space because I felt I am being choked with the caring and attention form my family, yeah I told them that I am passing through something. That space really did a lot of wonder for me.
Did they respect you and gave you the space you asked? Most times it can turn out to be something else entirely when a distressed person asks for space.
Did they respect you and gave you the space you asked? Most times it can turn out to be something else entirely when a distressed person asks for space.
I was given that space but not for a long time. Being choked up is one of the reason that I hate telling people how I am feeling. I will love that space because that's when my energy and sanity will be complete for use again.
As the partner, it is expected that you turn up for them and be a source of support and encouragement. Don't worsen the situation, try to lessen it.
I mean that is what partners are for right? You should be able to know what you can do for them to make them feel better. Maybe not always but at least most of the time.
There are some depression which would need professional help to treat. It's not something random that you can do for your partner alone because you want to be there for him or her.
There are some depression which would need professional help to treat. It's not something random that you can do for your partner alone because you want to be there for him or her.
That is actually true. But if one is able to notice it at the early stages, it might not turn out to be what would need a professional helper.
There are some depression which would need professional help to treat. It's not something random that you can do for your partner alone because you want to be there for him or her.
I think before it reaches the stage of professional help, there have been traits of it when it starts initially. I think our spouse need to open up when they start to feel anyhow.
If my partner happened to be depressed, I will do everything within my power to support them emotionally, physically, psychologically and help them because we are one in the relationship.
If my partner happened to be depressed, I will do everything within my power to support them emotionally, physically, psychologically and help them because we are one in the relationship.
That'd be thoughtful of you. After all, you promised to be with each other through thick and thin. Should they get better, you will no doubt see the bind between yourselves get stronger
Well the fact that they are spouses means that we know a lot about them. If I should marry I will definitely know what I can do to make my wife feel better.
Well the fact that they are spouses means that we know a lot about them. If I should marry I will definitely know what I can do to make my wife feel better.
Is that always the case though. Some partners are good at pretensions to be who they are not when dating. Once they get married and you start seeing their true colors, it will feel like you married a completely different person.
How do you know a lot about them in that case?