Why do People assume you're their Girlfriend or Boyfriend?


I've gone out as friends a couple of times with a few guys in the past with group therapies and whatnot, a much older man (70 and up_ has just assumed that I'm in love with him, has started kissing and touching me everywhere inappropriately. And another biracial half-African and half-White guy in a group therapy has just assumed that I'm his "Chinese girlfriend" without asking me out. Are people (men and women) now too shy and chicken to ask someone they like out or what? Or they'd rather just assume you're going out with them as their girlfriend/boyfriend. I've had this happen to me more times than I could remember so yeah. People are weird in today's society. They just skip the "asking others out first" step before assuming that you're their girlfriend/boyfriend nowadays.
Some of people are like that, people that can't deal with their self control and I feel pity for them which means you need to shout it into their brain that you don't have anything to do with them without hurting their feelings.
This is what we will call an undefined relationship. That moment when people assume that you are just dating without any prior conversation.
I can't be in a relationship that I didn't defined from the onset. It will make me look foolish when I start to ask questions so it's better to define a relationship before you start one.
Before someone starts assuming that you are their boyfriend or girlfriend, you must have been giving them the body language that suggest to them it is what you are feeling as well. This is why you have to know the kind of body language information that you give to someone you are not interested in being in a relationship with.
People who do this are people I don't like at all, they have the mentality that they can get what they want, when they want it and without any thought for anyone else.

You always have to be careful with people like this as they will make the decision based on things like body language.
Before someone starts assuming that you are their boyfriend or girlfriend, you must have been giving them the body language that suggest to them it is what you are feeling as well. This is why you have to know the kind of body language information that you give to someone you are not interested in being in a relationship with.
If it's here, we call it leading on. Maybe the lady might be giving the guy some green light. Making the conversation to be much better, fun and interesting. That's another way to assume that something like that.
Assumptions cause a lot of damage. If neither of you is clear about your intentions then no assumptions should be made. I don’t know why two adults will have that kind of situation though.
I've had this experience with a friend of mine and I didn't like it. I think some people don't know how to appreciate someone being good to them without seeing it in another light.
That is mainly because the relationship was not defined right from the beginning. One party might be thinking they are in a relationship while the other will just be seeing it as friendship.
There should be a clear definition of the relationship right from the beginning, no assumption
I hope that those who are usually assuming a relationship status with someone will know how damaging that can be for them especially when the person is not feeling exactly the same way. They are setting themselves up for a serious hurt when the person finally rejects them.
That is mainly because the relationship was not defined right from the beginning. One party might be thinking they are in a relationship while the other will just be seeing it as friendship.
There should be a clear definition of the relationship right from the beginning, no assumption
I did this thing to one of my friend that thought we were dating. When I relocated, he was trying to tell me about marriage but from my words, he thought it was a prank. I took my life seriously while he curse around.