Working with depression

I myself suffer from depression as well as other mental health issues and health issues and it's been better for me to work from home than it has been to go out to work with the public. I still deal with people when I am working from home but it's not enough to kick off my anxiety or my depression like it would if I was out of the house working. Working from home was never something I thought I would ever do but it's turned out that it is better for me in the long run.
I know how difficult it is to live with depression. The feeling sometimes takes the breath out of you and make you feel lifeless. I can't imagine how difficult it's going to working when you're feeling depressed especially if it's your work that's making you depressed.
I can't imagine being sad and I was asked to make another person to be happy. It will be very hard on me even though I will be stressing myself to get the job done.

We only need to be happy to get others to be happy. I wish you can talk to a counselor or therapist in order for you to be better.