Stressful Jobs, anyone?


I've had high stress, anxiety and depression at my last job as a secretary/receptionist/data entry clerk, so I've quit it myself.
I used to work 12 hours job and it nearly killed me. I was always stressed out, I had to time for myself and I hardly made friends apart from work friends. It was a very bad experience for me.
I sometimes get tired of my job not because I don't enjoy it but because we all go through that phase at some point and Even though things are working perfectly around you there is sometimes this void in you heart that yearns for the unknown.

When I feel this way I just take a break, maybe sleep , watch a movie, listen to music or play videogames and I start feeling better.
I used to get tired, stressed out, pains, sickness from my work especially when there's much work load. The only thing that haven't happened to me while working is being unhappy while doing the job, I used to unwind every weekend in order to keep my body and soul together.

I know I will quit immediately when it starts disturbing my mental health. I can't trade my happiness or peace of mind for things that don't worth it.
I used to have that kind of job years ago. If you discover that a particular job is too stressful for you and has a toll on your mental health, then you might want out. No job is worth your mental well being and the more you stay the more you loathe job and yourself.
Some jobs can be quite stressful and when your boss doesn't always see that or understand that, it can make the situation worse.

Always remember that your physical and mental health should always come first and if you find a job affecting that badly, it is usually wise to walk away.
The reason I don't stress much about work is that I can't do the ones which will take me down or weigh my spirit and body down. I hate being stress mentally and psychologically, I can just resign and find another one that's more suitable.
I used to work 12 hours job and it nearly killed me. I was always stressed out, I had to time for myself and I hardly made friends apart from work friends. It was a very bad experience for me.
Some employer will always like to frustrate their employees. 12 hours is too much for working and they won't be time for friends or having a hang out.
You made a good decision. One should not stay in a job that is detrimental to their emotional health. Hopefully you got a better job after that?
I've had high stress, anxiety and depression at my last job as a secretary/receptionist/data entry clerk, so I've quit it myself.
Your health comes first before work because if you drop dead tomorrow, they will have you replacement immediately at your office place. You did the right thing for yourself. Look for another better job.
Your health comes first before work because if you drop dead tomorrow, they will have you replacement immediately at your office place. You did the right thing for yourself. Look for another better job.
I have decided to put my health as the first priority in whatever I am doing this year. The speed that employers used to replaced lost ones at their office has shown that life is nothing. Take care of yourself first.
From my experience, most jobs are stressful but simply because we need the money in order for us to take care of our responsibilities is why we do those job.
From my experience, most jobs are stressful but simply because we need the money in order for us to take care of our responsibilities is why we do those job.
That's true. Some works are just for the money and not because we love the work. I pray everyone find works that can give them rest of mind.
I will never think of going back to the hospitality sector to work. It is so demanding, you barely have time for yourself. Weekends and Sundays that most people use to rest are days that are more stressful.
Not again.