This is hard to talk about as it is a very personal issue. It is complicated for me because I like both men and women. I always felt different because of this and I even felt judged by a guy I dated who I knew from high school, even though he had dated a bi woman at one time. I will never feel normal because of this, especially since I feel like my desires conflict with the Christian teachings I grew up with.
I have to decide for myself about all of this and live my life the best I know how. It's very tough to deal with. I never even talked to anyone in my family except for one of my uncles. I never even talked to my mom about it. Oh, but ironically while attempting to reconcile with my dad who was abusive to me as a child (which I have to some extent) I told him. I probably told my dad versus my mom maybe because even though he was the one who hurt me most in the past he is less judgmental and less freakout-ish about certain things that my mom would flip out over.