Have you dated anyone narcissistic personally?


I've thought that she and I were merely going out as friends. But as she's bisexual, she's thought herself to be a “very beautiful and pretty woman" when in reality, she's a very obese and ugly woman. She has blocked and exploded in anger at me when I wouldn't say that she's pretty on FB. Yet how could I? When as an aro-ace, I couldn't lead her on when I'm not even remotely interested in another human being.
As far as I'm concerned, I don't owe anyone telling them that they are beautiful or ugly. If you're pretty or ugly, it's your business that doesn't concern me in any way possible. She must be a crazy lady.
Unfortunately, I have been in a narcissistic relationship and I was in it for over 11 years. I would constantly be put down, told I wasn;t good enough, I never had any friends, that I was fat and no one else would love me and that he would be the only one that would, and if I left I would be lonely and on my own for life. All this I took to heart and when he told me if I told anyone, no one would believe me, I believed that too and instead suffered until it got too much and someone told me to speak up and I did. I am now out of the relationship and have been since 2015 and I am so glad that I am.
They say people like that will dump a person and will get someone but they get mad if the dumped person finds someone else. That's strange. What is behind that madness?
They say people like that will dump a person and will get someone but they get mad if the dumped person finds someone else. That's strange. What is behind that madness?
That madness can't be explained till date. Someone broke up with me but still don't want me to go ahead with my life. He's always in my DM talking about how he loved me and he making sure that nobody gets me. I blocked the fool so that he will stopped disturbing me.
I have never dated anyone who has a narcissistic personality. I am always very careful when it comes to going into relationship with anyone to make sure that I'm not going to find myself in a position where depression is going to kill me simply because I am in a relationship.
Dating someone with a narcissistic personality is a very wrong move. If they manage to hide it from me in the beginning, once I find out along the way, I'll end the relationship immediately.
Whether I have stayed with the person for a period of 20 years, I will still leave whenever I finds out. Narcissistic is not what we can live with, that's why it's good not to pretend in relationship.
There is no way I would even start relationship with someone with narcissistics personality because I will find out immediately before having anything serious with that kind of person.
I've never dated anyone who is narcissistic because I would know before we eventually get to start the love affair. I am someone who is very careful about my mental health and no one in a relationship with me will destroy that for me.
I've only been in a relationship twice in my life. None of my partners was narcissistic. If they were, I would know and end the relationship immediately without wasting any time.