Have you dated anyone narcissistic personally?


Staff member
I've thought that she and I were merely going out as friends. But as she's bisexual, she's thought herself to be a “very beautiful and pretty woman" when in reality, she's a very obese and ugly woman. She has blocked and exploded in anger at me when I wouldn't say that she's pretty on FB. Yet how could I? When as an aro-ace, I couldn't lead her on when I'm not even remotely interested in another human being.
As far as I'm concerned, I don't owe anyone telling them that they are beautiful or ugly. If you're pretty or ugly, it's your business that doesn't concern me in any way possible. She must be a crazy lady.
Unfortunately, I have been in a narcissistic relationship and I was in it for over 11 years. I would constantly be put down, told I wasn;t good enough, I never had any friends, that I was fat and no one else would love me and that he would be the only one that would, and if I left I would be lonely and on my own for life. All this I took to heart and when he told me if I told anyone, no one would believe me, I believed that too and instead suffered until it got too much and someone told me to speak up and I did. I am now out of the relationship and have been since 2015 and I am so glad that I am.
They say people like that will dump a person and will get someone but they get mad if the dumped person finds someone else. That's strange. What is behind that madness?