Ever Been Suicidal?


I have been myself and have tried a few times to commit suicide, without any success, and I'm glad of it. I've just no light at the of the tunnel, been in the depths of despair and hopelessness, have been feeling hallow and empty inside, losing the will to live. What has helped me? Talking to someone, a hotline, family or a friend online, in person or by phone, therapies and medication have helped me overcome this as well.
I haven't had any suicidal thoughts in my life but I have been to the depths of low when I was betrayed by my best friend who impregnated my sister. It felt like the world was coming to an end. I was able to survive through it.
I have had suicidal thoughts more than I could ever count. But one thing keeps holding me back from crossing the line years ago when I was so depressed without getting any help. It was the thought of how broken my mother would be that kept me alive.
I have had suicidal thoughts more than I could ever count. But one thing keeps holding me back from crossing the line years ago when I was so depressed without getting any help. It was the thought of how broken my mother would be that kept me alive.
I also understand this feeling very well because I have been in the same situation too. My mother would lose herself and sanity if I should kill myself. Practically, I'm living for my mother now.
My horrible fantasy was to drown in a swimming pool. This came about after I got the feeling that my wife was not calling back from jail. Anyway, it was a wakeup call to lead me to a better life. Unfortunately, however, many others actually go thru with drowning or something else.
Yeah, I have been depressed so many times even when things ain't in the rightful places. I have been depressed even when I have got it all covered. It will only last for a while. I haven't have any suicidal thoughts about anything, it will take me a while to come back to normal but it won't give me a reason to take my life.
Yes unfortunately. All the time. 😭
I understand the feeling and I have been there. My words of encouragement to you is that you should remain calm, be positive and talk out how you feel to God and your loved ones. I believe these will go a long way to help you.