Depression and Fear of Unemployment

A lot of talk, and rightfully so, of depression centers around the loss of a loved one, which is one of the most painful things that one can feel, especially if they were close such as a parent and child or siblings or that significant other. People generally understand that and can relate to it, but many don’t seem to have that same feeling towards depression from other types of loss, such as a job, especially if it had been a long term employment.


One of the main signs and triggers of depression is the loss of self worth. I don’t have to tell you how this relates to a much needed job. The loss of income can be devastating taking someone who was reasonably adjusted and sending them into a deep spiral when a new position does not present itself. Last night I was watching the OWS protesters getting kicked out of Zucotti Park and while this is not the time or place to debate the validity or lack thereof, the point I came away with was that people are scared. In this day and age, with jobs moving overseas or companies laying off more than they are hiring, people are at a very big risk of getting sacked and having their lifestyle completely destroyed. And it can happen to hard workers, as easily as those many consider slackers. Of course, people that are unable to find more work, or are emotionally devastated by the process often wind up homeless, feeling they’ve been tossed aside with often no place to turn. I saw a lot of that in what was said last night, but it’s something that is happening everywhere.

But it’s more than just the financial woes that follow, there is another factor, a human factor. Work is a social event. While we may not consider it in the same category as hanging out with friends at the local bar, it’s still a place we spend a lot of our time. And often, those co-workers become just like an extended family, especially after you’ve shared so many trial and tribulations. That is why companies often have very restrictive policies about their employees socializing after work, because it does happen. How many people do you consider friends (or even enemies) at work? You may love the challenge that you and your assistant shares in trying to figure out the company’s latest issue, drowning in the satisfaction of a solution, but may have terrible distain for Bob, who spends his whole day spreading gossip at the water cooler instead of working. But either way, these, like or not, wind up being your peeps after awhile. And if you were to leave, you would most likely miss them dearly, just as kids miss their friends from school.

The socialization is what causes seniors who don’t need to work to return anyway. Even if their pensions or social security or their own wealth can keep them afloat very well, they still miss the interaction they’ve had with their co-workers. They want to get out with others, even abusive customers, and feel like they are a productive member of society. Those that retire often find themselves bored to tears, wishing they were back to work, even if they grumbled about it at the time. Younger folks, spurred on by the attitudes of others, often consider a job to be their whole lives, their careers hanging on a shoestring. Both scenarios, the loneliness or the overly inflated sense of importance their job has on their lives, can hurt when all is lost, making it difficult to just pick yourself up as people think one should.

I guess the point I’m trying to make as I write this is that I often see people trashed for losing their job, or not having one. As if these people choose to be lazy and not work, but that’s really only a small percentage and the venom should not be used on a lot of the public. Almost everyone I know that is out of a job wants one. They want to work. They want to show the world they can do wonders, if someone would just give them a chance. They didn’t get this way because they were caught doing something stupid, but because their company downsized them or shipped their job to some other country and we should respect their pain and treat them as though they’ve lost a loved one, because in their eyes and mind, they have.
The fear of being unemployed without job isn't easy to deal with especially when you're faced with responsibilities to take care of. There's no way you wouldn't be depressed thinking every day and night about how to solve your problems without getting any solutions. I have been in that situation and it's an ugly one. Some people even start doing drugs as a result of that.
If you're not working, you won't make money and you can never be able to take care of yourself and your needs.

If your broke, you're considered useless by everyone including by your family. You're surely getting depressed if you don't have a job or any hand work that's going to pay you.