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Having suffered from anxiety for around 20-years, I still haven't managed to rationalize with myself during episodes. It's crazy how the mind works, right? A foreboding sense of doom, an irrational fear for your family, thinking far into the future and letting your mind shape a bleak outcome. in the cold light of day it seems irrational, it is irrational and we come to see it. How is it then, that all these macabre thoughts are so real to us, during those deliberating periods?
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The mind plays tricks on us at every opportunity. The trick is to tell yourself this when you're feeling a panic attack coming on. I still haven't mastered this but I'm guessing that's the key.
I think all rational thought goes out of the window in the throes of a bout of anxiety or a panic attack. We are convinced that the worst is about to happen and it never does, yet we're still convinced. It's really odd.
I believe that most of us always suffer from this kind of anxiety from time to time but how I manage to do with my own is that I always find an activity that I usually get into whenever mine gets too difficult for me to handle so that their activities will always distract me.
Anxiety looks so small but inside of a person who have encountered anxiety and panic attack will know that it's not an easy task. I am always looking for how to keep myself in order to avoid all the thoughts running around my mind.
You have really figured out a way to manage your anxiety. This is what people should focus on doing, occupy your mind with activities that you enjoy doing. It’s a good distraction.
I believe that most of us always suffer from this kind of anxiety from time to time but how I manage to do with my own is that I always find an activity that I usually get into whenever mine gets too difficult for me to handle so that their activities will always distract me.
Anxiety looks so small but inside of a person who have encountered anxiety and panic attack will know that it's not an easy task. I am always looking for how to keep myself in order to avoid all the thoughts running around my mind.
I understand how you feel. Sometimes someone can be battling feelings of chronic anxiety and nobody will think it is a big deal. But deep down, only you know what you're facing.
I understand how you feel. Sometimes someone can be battling feelings of chronic anxiety and nobody will think it is a big deal. But deep down, only you know what you're facing.
You understand it so well. Some people will see it as nothing. Someone I know was very anxious to present a project in her working place, she was really panicking but just a word of encouragement did some magic for her.