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  1. J

    Depression and Prison/Jail

    No doubt a lot of people, understanably, don't want to go to jail. I suppose that's a big part of the punishment. Well, I remember when my wife went to jail. In the courtroom was this other lady crying and whining because she was so weak and never been to jail before. It was painful and sad...
  2. J

    Cheat Guides

    They take away the fun I think. Nonetheless, those tough levels sometime need to be beat at all costs. Well, who has tried cheat guides and where did you find them?
  3. J

    Chrisley TV Stars face around 20 and 9 years respectively Well, everybody makes mistakes. However, I admit I am biased cause I like the show and...
  4. J

    Mood Swings, anyone?

    I'm not bipolar that I know of. However, I can get massive highs and lows. In order to keep the lows from becoming dangerous, prayer solves the problem.
  5. J

    Insominia and Depression?

    A massively traumatic experience can cause insomnia. For instance, I'm sure some people can't sleep after a family member died etc. What might be some ways to prepare so you don't have that problem?
  6. J

    The Exorcist and Mental Illness

    I'm not trying to be disrespectful of anybody on here. However, do you feel there was "more than what meets the eye" with the central character? Could there have really been a spiritual dimension to everything?
  7. J

    A Natural Approach to Psychiatric Medicine

    Myself, I an anti-psychotic in high school cause I was acting up. I can understand why a person wouldn't like it. It makes you like a zombie. Now, and of anti-depressants, I have taken those in my life. However, I feel like being unnaturally happy all the time isn't what God intends for...
  8. J

    The library

    What do you all use the library for and how often do you use it? Well, I use it for computers and for charging my phone. However, though, it would be cool to read some theology books they have. Anyway, my desktop is pretty much done with, so I have been using computers at the library.
  9. J

    Delivery Driving

    It's my current job. Who has done it or considered it? Well, I do Door Dash. Who has used that? What problems do you feel come with such a job?
  10. J

    Current Thing You are Studying

    I've been wanting to become a minister, so I have been studying the Bible and Bible geography lately. What do you like about what you're studying now? Why are you studying it? Do any of you want to study something now?
  11. J

    Drama in Relationships?

    There is always the chance of some drama and people need relationships. However, sometimes the drama from some people is acceptable but from others no. Well, I'm sure some people get my drift.
  12. J

    Homelessness and Depression?

    I'm homeless now, living in a car. I can manage, but I am really hoping to get a roof over my head, even if it's just sleeping in a closet. Anyway, this stuff doesn't make me very depressed, but it's not the most pressing things on my mind.
  13. J

    My wife beat me

    Women can't hit as hard as a man, though. However, it's not acceptable to get hit from a woman. Myself, I have took abuse because I don't think escalating things will help and the hits aren't that hard, but some of them are to the eye which could be dangerous. Hits from a man simply are too...
  14. J

    When everything fails, what's next?

    I would be seeking God's help, specifically adopting a non-hypocritical strong Christian walk, one where you live holy, but not perfect. It won't totally destroy the depression, but it will let you have victory somewhat. Well, it might end all of it. I don't know. My testimony is that it...
  15. J

    Does being isolated help you when you're depressed?

    Actually, it would make it worse. However, though, some of the blues can be so bad that having company won't help much. Again, the source of the depression needs to be addressed, like the infection causing a toothache.
  16. J

    Trauma and Depression?

    My wife has blamed me for losing our child to social services. She keeps going to jail and for many months, unlike last time she was in jail, she isn't contacting. It's not a happy situation.
  17. J

    The God who sees me!!

    This stuff reminds me of the prodigal (wasteful) son parable. That parable is about a spoiled brat who runs away from home, runs into a famine after squandering his money, and then wises up and comes home - with the humble intention of being a servant of his father only. Who has read it?
  18. J

    higher power

    I been thru long times in my life not being so religious. The main problem is simply being attracted to money and other stuff. It's just like most people. Anyway, I do think a higher power can help. Well, in the case of the Christian faith, though, does one need to give 100 percent...
  19. J

    Favorite video game

    I like the Mario and Donkey Kong series, as I said in another thread. Another one I like is Madden Football. Anyway, I have played a few others I like, for instance, Banjokazooie. Well, I played that on Nintendo 64.
  20. J

    What your favorite console?

    It would be Nintendo, no doubt. It has Mario and Donkey Kong. I love those games, but maybe if I got into more consoles I would like other stuff as much. I don't know.