Recent content by Lonelypanda

  1. Lonelypanda

    Have being in debt caused you depression?

    Debts can really have its toll on you emotionally. You find it hard to focus on what you, especially if the people you owe are on your neck. My advice is that you should avoid debts as much as you can.
  2. Lonelypanda

    Alcohol and Depression - The Vicious Circle

    I wish we can all understand that alcohol does not solve any problem. What it does at best is to make you forget about it temporarily, and that does no good at all.
  3. Lonelypanda

    Are there specific self-care habits that help lift your mood?

    Reading is an activity that helps me combat with feelings of loneliness sometimes. Reading transfers me to another realm of world, and it works wonders in keeping me depressed free.
  4. Lonelypanda

    Is enough being done about cyber bullying?

    Cyber bullying will always continue to exist, all the more so as we advance more in the digital age. As long as we have the internet, we will always have cyber bullying. Little to nothing can be done about it.
  5. Lonelypanda

    Bullying and Depression?

    Bullying is among the major causes of depression among school goers. If care is not taken one might take that feeling even to adulthood and can affect our view of life in general.
  6. Lonelypanda

    What causes depression

    Sometimes overthinking can also be a major cause of depression. You think things too much, and those that are even beyond our power to do anything about them.
  7. Lonelypanda

    Does music help you feel better?

    Music gives me a wide range of emotions, but it surely makes me feel better when I feel down. This especially at night when such feelings are prevalent.
  8. Lonelypanda

    Why do People assume you're their Girlfriend or Boyfriend?

    This is what we will call an undefined relationship. That moment when people assume that you are just dating without any prior conversation.
  9. Lonelypanda

    Academic Depression, Anyone?

    It can be so hard for students especially if they have to work to support themselves in school. Dont allow a few bad results to deter you, it should be a drive to motivate you to work harder.
  10. Lonelypanda

    Stressful Jobs, anyone?

    I used to have that kind of job years ago. If you discover that a particular job is too stressful for you and has a toll on your mental health, then you might want out. No job is worth your mental well being and the more you stay the more you loathe job and yourself.
  11. Lonelypanda

    Trauma and Depression?

    I was so close to my grandma before she died, that was 3 years ago. Till now I still have the trauma, though it did not lead to depression for me.
  12. Lonelypanda

    my rambling through many aspects

    You have done well for letting it all out. I know that 12 years have passed now but I really hope that you are gradually achieving your dreams and objectives.
  13. Lonelypanda

    Gaming and Depression?

    Playing games can actually help you cope with depression. But at the same time one has to exercise caution so as not to be addicted.
  14. Lonelypanda

    Lonelypanda says hi.

    Helo everyone. I am lonelypanda and its a pleasure to have discovered this forum. I have battled depression and won, so I would love to offer my few cents that can be helpful to those in the battle.