What's the movie you hated watching?


Movies are supposed to be fun and for relaxation. But there are some movies that you would watch and it's going to leave a bad feeling for you. You would wish to never have watched the movie.

Have you had such experience with any movie?
The only movie which I hated watching was a useless production my Marvel called The Eternals.

It's the worst movie they have ever produced in the history of the company.
I haven't watch any movie that I don't hate. The beginning of all the movies that I watched is already a step to tell me if it will be interesting or not.
And if it's not interesting, I will just delete than watching it over and felt sad or hate about it.
Horror movies in general. I don’t think I can ever derive any joy in it whatsoever. I don’t see any lesson or purpose of it, just to make you unnecessarily scared.