What are some common triggers for your anxiety, and how do you manage them?


Those of us who suffer from anxiety may have picked up on common triggers that tend to flare up an anxiety attack which can help us detect when an anxiety attack will happen and how we can react to help with that.

If you are someone who suffers from anxiety, have you noticed any common triggers? What are they?
I always have anxiety if I am asked to do something like public speaking or addressing a large audience. My triggers are sweating on the palm, fast heartbeat and blinking my eyes constantly.

I am managing my anxiety very well now. I learnt to breath in and out till my heartbeat comes back to normal. I should not talk until I am calm even when all eyes are on me.
Some usually feel it when they experience unfavorable moments in their daily lives. These moments could be failure or loss of a loved one. It could as well be disappointment from others. The triggers can come in any way, which is peculiar to each individual.
That's true. That disappointment is mostly the cause of anxiety. Some girls have anxiety today because they were disappointed in their relationship and they always thought they are always the ones at fault. This cause them to have anxiety if another person is coming for relationship.