Toxic Friendships, Relationships and Depression, anyone?


I have been really depressed after breaking up with my 1st ex. I've had really toxic friends too who'd either spend my money, borrow my things and never return them back or fall in love with me. I've had lesbian and bisexual female friends whom thoughts I've been in a relationship with them and who have been raging at me for not being attracted to them. As an aro-ace person, I don't care about how anyone looks, it's the heart and soul that I see in a person, a friend or a life partner.
It is always very difficult dealing with toxic people and toxic relationship because it will make you feel like your life is about to end when you have not even done anything. This is why I try as much as I can to stay on my own without being involved with a lot of people at the same time.
I haven't encounter any toxic friendship or relationship. But I have heard stories about them. It's not easy to leave a toxic friendship or relationship especially when you them the most.

It's not easy dealing with the toxic traits in people but the only way is to avoid such people and keep them in arm's length.
You should never allow yourself to be in a toxic relationship with anyone. It is not good for your health mentally and physically. It is something that is quite capable of draining you all the energy that you have.
A toxic relationship is a no for anyone, I can’t even wish it on my enemy. The moment you see signs that your partner is becoming toxic then say bye to them.