I myself was a teenage mother and I was often told that I was too young, that I would regret it, and that I would never have a good life as I would be brought down by having children at such a young age. I was 17 nearly 18 when I had my first and he is now 18 years old and I couldn't be prouder of the man he has grown to be. I also have a daughter who turned 17 this year and I also have two more sons who are 13 and 14 (the 14-year-old will be 15 on the 28th of December).
I was often told I had made a mistake having kids so young and that I would regret it. It wasn't easy but I proved it can be done and it is possible now I have nearly two adult children and also two teenage children who I am very proud of and now that they are older, I have more time to be able to do things for myself.