Relationships, what for?


I'm perfectly happy every moment that I'm awake with my solitude and my games. I could think of many other more fun and entertaining things to do alone than with someone else. It's well-known that a toxic/unhealthy/abusive relationship can be detrimental to one's overall health, physical, mental and emotional. The 2 times that I've tried to be with my 2 exes, they were both hyper jealous, controlling, possessive, clingy and obsessive of me. That's when I've decided that I'm happy enough on my own. I value far more personally my own independence and freedom than any romantic or human relationships. In fact, because I'm also antisocial, I don't really about other human beings because they are quite complicated, boring and energy and time-consuming to interact with. I'd much rather play my games, listen to my music, watch my TV shows and dramas and read my books than be with a human being personally. I don't find another person fun or entertaining at all myself so yeah. But that's just me and my 2 cents on it, you may disagree respectfully with me all you want, I don't really mind. Relationships in my opinion at least anyways, are too complicated, superficial and boring in today's society.
Relationships can be annoying sometimes but I won't see it as a complicated, boring or superficial issue. It's still amazing and lovely if you get someone that have the same goal and mindset like you. That's when two can come together and live in harmony.
At one point in our lives we desire companionship. We want to have a family, or a significant other that we want to spend the rest of my life with. It is a basic human need that we can’t deny.
If we are on denial that we don't need companionship even when we don't have any deficit, then we are lying to ourselves. Every human being deserves a partner that can stay and do everything with them.
I want to have kids and family. This is why I have high hopes on relationship. What's very important is for you to make sure that you end up with the right person as your partner or you're going to see hell in your relationship.
My daily prayer is to get who I wanted and the person wants me too. Relationship can be lovely if two people are ready to make it work and without work, it won't pass from relationship to marriage.
Relationship is a very good thing if you can find the right partner for yourself who will care and tolerate you and also help you to get better. But if you can't find that kind of person, it is better to stay single.
It is actually better that you are speaking for yourself because other people have need to be in a relationship. This is because it is something that is good for them to have a partner in their lives.
Being in a toxic/unhealthy/abusive relationship is going to kill you in the long run. Run from it as far as possible because there's no possible gain from being in that kind of relationship.