Relationships and Depression?


Relationships can cause many issues as well such as : stress and anxiety, depression, suicide ideation and suicidal depression after a break-up. As an aro-ace, these things don't concern me because I'm single and childfree for life by choice. I'm also touch-negative, sex-repulsed and agender. In fact, my social phobia/anxiety and antisocial personality disorder play a big part in my not wanting a relationship or even finding sex repulsive as well as dating/romance very boring. Humans are very boring and way too complicated for me to interact with for me personally at least anyways.
If you are dating the wrong person in your relationship, it is always going to be very difficult for you to cope and do anything because there will be a lot of issues all the time which is going to stress you out and make your life very difficult for you.
A good relationship can be blissful and enjoyable. It can only get worse and draining when you are with the wrong person. The best to do is to put your best in your relationship and make things to work with your partner.

Depression can be far from a relationship when the both parties have the other person in mind and in good thinking.