Meditation and Depression


New member
There is a popular meditation retreat center in my town which is a popular destination for people to relieve depression symptoms. A lot of people tell that after attending 10 days of meditation sessions in the retreat center and then making meditation their daily routine they were able to cure depression without medication in less than 6 months.
The problem is that getting into meditation is actually very difficult for some people which is why they cannot be able to take part in this kind of healing therapy. Have used it quite a number of times with my depression problems and it has actually worked but not all the time.
Depression is more powerful in our minds than it is physically. It's why meditation is a very good way to deal with it. I have seen a lot of people who had good results from their meditation groups.
Meditation is a very good healing therapy. Even without being depressed, it's something that we shouldn't miss out on because it helps us to calm down our stressed body
Meditation is really effective in looking more inward and searching for solutions to your state of mind within yourself than outwardly.
It depends on the kind of depression somebody is passing through. I have been depressed once and meditation never help me one bit. It was a complete waste of time.
Meditation helps in healing depression but when one is too deep in depression, meditation can't help at all. I always meditate whenever I am confused or worried after that time, I will get myself and have a clear mind.
Meditation is highly underrated. It can really help you get over depression faster and more effectively than any medication. As long as you do it correctly, it works wonders.