Man or Woman?


Staff member
If given the choice at birth, which gender would you choose and why? I'd like to see some perspectives from the male' PoV because I hate being a lady personally. But maybe being one isn't so bad compared to being a man in today's society.
I was born a female and I am happy a female and wouldn't ever want to change my gender at all. I am not against people who do not feel happy in their own bodies though and do not feel happy with the sex they are and I can understand why they would, in the end, want to change that, especially if they do not feel comfortable as they are.
It's God that makes that decision and I'm very happy with my sex that was assigned to me at birth. I'm really pissed about Biden policy of Gender Affirming Care because it's absolutely bullshit.
Unfortunately, we can't choose our sex in pregnancy. It's all about the science of X & Y chromosomes and there's nothing anyone can do to change what happens when the X meet another X chromosome or X meets with Y chromosome.