Have you experienced getting a charge back from any transaction you had on your PayPal? What's the reason why you had a charge back initiated by the other party?
I have never had an issue with getting a charge back to any payments I have received on my PayPal. This is because I know the implications of getting a charge back that's not ruled in your favour by PayPal. PayPal might have your account limited.
Just the other week I had an issue where someone opened a dispute and I got a temporary charge-back on my account but luckily it was dealt with and I got the charge-back taken off.
I know of people who have had many chargebacks happen, some of which have been for a lot of money, which can often leave someone worse off financially.
I don't use PayPal. Every transaction made is always with my brother or my friend. I know that I suppose to have an account now but I don't know the laziness that's holding me not to have one.