How do i know if I am developing an eating disorder ?

I fear that I may be developing anorexia, but I hate to admit it. I should be thrilled, i recently lost over 60 pounds, I went from a womens size 18 down to a juniors 7/9. This is the thinnest I have ever been in my life, and the weight struggle has been there since I was a little girl.

I work as a cook in the restaurant industry, so it usually involves many long shifts, frequently without a break. Since I am unable to get a break, I generally go a 16 hour day without eating more than a few french fries here and there, totaling maybe 5 to 6 fries all day on these types of days. Then when I get home from work I am so tired and sick of the smell of food that I have no desire to eat. The sight and smell of food makes me sick to my stomach.
Then I have the days where I am home with the children, or I am before or after a 6-8 shift. I have two girls, a 5 year old and a 15 month old. The 15 month old has had chronic asthmatic episodes since she was born, so she is always quite a handful. Plus getting her to eat table foods is a full time job in itself half the time. So between cooking for both of my children and fighting with them to eat, I forget to eat myself. I become so involved in everything else that is going on. On the rare days that I can eat when the girls are eating, if my boyfriend is home I typically end up taking care of him. He is a brittle diabetic who is having alot of difficulties with his sugar dropping lately.

So in the midst of any given day through the day I end up not hving time to eat anything myself. Then by night time I am too exhausted and frustrated or just sickened by the smell of food I do not eat. Unfortunately this results in me eating maybe 2-3 full meals each week. It's been great for my weight loss though! However, I have been concerned with how quickly the weight came off, and for the last 3 weeks I have been unemployed (I have a new job starting right after Thanksgiving), so when my boyfriend gets home from work at night, if he cooks something I will sit down and eat dinner with him after the children are in bed. Now every time I look i the mirror I feel like I look like I am gaining weight, and it sickens me. It makes me eager to get back to work and into my a different, crazier routine so that I do not have the oppurtunity to sit down and eat tons of food, and I am back to being extremely active. I figure I will conitue to lose more weight, which secretly excites me.

Anytime my boyfriend wants me to eat with him I do, but I feel like if I do thats another meal in another day that I was able to eat, which is going to make me gain all this weight back. So I typically do not eat much of it anymore.

Is this a sign that I am devoloping an eating disorder? Or am I over thinking everything?


Whenever you're not eating when you're supposed to especially when you're supposed to be hungry but you're not. Then, you would wake up at odd hours and start to eat, you definitely have eating disorder.
When you eat oddly, it's a very sign that you are suffering from eating disorder. You will end up losing weight all of a sudden. It's not something that's healthy.
When you eat oddly, it means one thing and that's eating disorder. Going a day without eating is a very good way to lose weight and it will make you not to be thinking about food always. It will go a long way to make your weight lose drastically but to eat appropriately will help you to be in a moderate shape.
Whenever you feel like you are overdoing it, and it could be either way. You could be eating too much or too little, and you know within yourself that is not your usual self.