Have you found medications helpful, or do you rely more on therapy?


When it comes to depression and not feeling yourself, medication and therapy are the two things that tend to get prescribed depending on each individual. For some, medication works and for others, they prefer therapy but some tend to use both if that is needed.

Which one have you found has been more helpful for you, medication or therapy?
Medication and therapy are very useful and I won't hesitate to make use of them if the need arises. Among the two, I prefer therapy where I can talk to someone that understands the feelings, the thoughts and the tears.
I prefer therapy to medications. Medications can have side effects and one can be oblivious to this fact. But therapy is more like a general way and less harmful way of coping with depression.
It depends on what you're battling with. There are some mental health issues which only therapy wouldn't be able to solve. You will need both meds and therapy to solve it.
I prefer therapy to medications. Medications can have side effects and one can be oblivious to this fact. But therapy is more like a general way and less harmful way of coping with depression.
There are some issues that requires medication while some needs therapy. I will always go for therapy because it's a long way to help both emotionally and psychologically but if I am advised to take medicine, I won't hesitate.
I prefer therapy to medications. Medications can have side effects and one can be oblivious to this fact. But therapy is more like a general way and less harmful way of coping with depression.
When therapy doesn't help, what then? You will say no medications?

I've been depressed to know that therapy isn't enough especially when what's causing your depression is very deep.
When therapy doesn't help, what then? You will say no medications?

I've been depressed to know that therapy isn't enough especially when what's causing your depression is very deep.
Both can work so deeply for anybody that's depressed because medication works for the body while therapy works for the soul.