Feeling numb and helpless

Hi, I have been depressed for one and a half year now and i really don't know how to get out of this. It's the same every day, i wake up, go to school and then i go home, then i sit on facebook and the internet all day and go to bed again. I have been doing this for a long time and it just makes me become more and more lazy, i find it SO hard to break this negative pattern. It is so depressive and i just don't feel like doing anything, i can't do the stuff i feel is neccesary, like cleaning my room and giving my plants water, only when things gets bad i start to do something about it. I wanna make a change to it all! I really want to, but i find it extremely hard to see where to start. I feel so lonely and i feel like i am just a ghost, i am afraid of people sometimes and i have a bad selfesteem. I am rarely together with people and the friends i have doesnt really have much time for me. I am not in suicidal thoughts, i know deep inside that there is a chance for me to get back on track, to start living life, instead of just being numb and depressive! There is only 1 thing in my life that really means something to me and it is my girlfriend, she is everything i ever dreamt about and she makes me believe in a better future where i can be with her! She lives more than 10000 km's away from me so we see eachothers very rarely and i fear to loose her, because she means so much to me and i also feel like i am not good enough for her, because i have a lack of selfconfidence and i am neither a funny person, but i see myself as a good person and i care alot for her and i try to treat her as a princess and my biggest dream is to marry her! I hope somebody has an idea how i can change my situation and i would like to get some friend who are in the same situation as me, then we could share our problems and try to help eachothers.


I think that a friend of mine have been in this situation in the past. His introverted personality never made it any easier for him. If that's the same case with you, I would suggest trying to get some quality time out and less of social media. You can go to beach and see some beach activities to get into. Gym is another good place to go.
Depression affects us differently in ways that is not the same with another person which is why whatever works for Mr A would never work for Mr B. I really hope that you find a way to tackle your own depression and get better from such health challenges.
Depression comes with a lot of uncertainty and confusion. It's always very difficult to deal with and you always lack confidence in anything that you're doing because you don't have any job in doing them.
Depression is like a plague and if not taking care of, it will be our pest forever. Lack of confidence, anxiety and sadness is what this brings to the table. Talking to people that loves and understands you is a step in getting healed.