Depression and drugs

I have been seeing a councellor for some time now and I have learned alot about depression.I smoke pot,alot,and when he found that out he told me something i will never forget,I believe it is true.He said "Marijuana only enhances the mood you are in"
If your happy,pot will make you more happy,if your sad it will make you more sad.
Smoking pot will not make you feel any better when you are depressed.
Drug only change the way i think so depressio will back soon. Smooking might help to calm down, but drugs are probablly the worst way to fight depression.
I have never in my life smoked pot or done any type of drugs but yeah I understand and believe what your counselor says Walter, based on what I have seen and what I know about drugs pot will only heighten your feelings of depression. One of my little cousins and his friends got caught smoking pot a few months ago and I remembered him saying he only did it cause it made him mellow, relaxed and a good feeling all around.. whatever that means but I definetely believe if he had been depressed he wouldnt have had that 'good feeling'. Anyway, if you're depressed dont do any drugs, I mean you dont know what can go through your mind when high, you can do something stupid, hurt yourself or others.
I've never smoked pot or even thought about doing it before. However, when I'm depressed I tend to eat too many things that aren't necessarily healthy. It's almost as if I'm looking for a way to take my mind off the hurt and replace it with something that will temporarily make me feel better.
I'm the same way justdiva, if I ever feel depressed, sad or in a bad mood I tend to run to the kitchen and search for food, most of the time is not because I'm hungry but I just want the satisfaction of eating something that will satisfy me and make me happy. I know I shouldn't be eating junk and I know I'm not hungry but the desire to eat something is so overwhelming that I have to go and find something, which is never something healthy, not a bowl of cereal or veggies, it is usually junk food or ice cream or some other fatty foods!
There is a lot of good information here, but I still have a few question marks in my mind. I smoke pot every day(twice or more per day) and as long as I have pot I am not depressed or worried about much of anything. However, if I run out because of being broke or the lack of availability, I become depressed and very melancholy. In fact, the moment that I know it's on the way I feel much better.
My question is do you guys think the pot is helping or am I just dependent on the substance and maybe its causing the depression when I'm out?
Any help would be appreciated.

I am not really in favor of smoking pot. I never tried that before but I have seen some people who have been dependent on smoking it. You have to find an alternative. Rehabilitate yourself. I tell you, smoking pot will harm you, If I am depressed, I am just finding any diversion activity such as singing, watching funny movies, and eating. I really suggest that you start quitting on it.
Although I do not have any personal experience with smoking pot, I know for a fact that what you said is really true. You will never get any good thing out of it, especially if you are making it an addiction already.

Instead of marijuana, why don't you engage yourself in some other activities such as swimming, playing a sport or something? Not only will it keep you away from pot, but will also get to meet new friends and keep yourself busy while having a healthy body and mind, too.


Smoking will eventually make everything worst for you. You will start battling with addiction on it too and that makes it two different problems for you. I would suggest trying as much as possible to resist the urge to smoke.
I have trouble with vaping during my depression and it never really helped me for a long run. It is just something that helps me to get by during the day and later in the night when I don't do it I will start feeling the same way that I was feeling in the morning.
I have been seeing a councellor for some time now and I have learned alot about depression.I smoke pot,alot,and when he found that out he told me something i will never forget,I believe it is true.He said "Marijuana only enhances the mood you are in"
If your happy,pot will make you more happy,if your sad it will make you more sad.
Smoking pot will not make you feel any better when you are depressed.
The doctor was actually right because I've also experienced the same thing as well and it never helped out in the situation that I was when I was taking them marijuana. I ended up costing myself a lot of problem because at one point I became addicted to taking it and it was very difficult for me to stop.
I have been depressed but it doesn't push me to smoke pot. My own way of being moody or sad is always to stay faraway form people, doing my things my way.

But what the doctor told you about smoking pot is only but the truth. It will only gladden the moment and that's how things you are avoiding will come back after some time.