Causes of Depression

I truly believe the causes of depression are combined on a holistic level of Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. In the East, the main belief about healing is that all physical illness is first caused on the Mental and Emotional levels, either by feeling something and then creating a belief about it (for example, "My grandpa died and I can't be happy without my grandpa"), or creating a belief about something and the feeling the feeling that goes a long with it ("nobody Loves me", and then creating situations where nobody Loves making you feel a lack of Love). That then manifests as a blockage in the Spirit or Aura or in Quantum Physics terms, the Human Energy Field. That blockage then manifests as a physical disease.

The best way I've found to treat this is to go in to the subconscious and clear out the beliefs and programs and reprogram the subconscious with beliefs that are empowering such as "I can be happy without my Grandpa" or "I Joyously accept Love in my life". What your subconscious believes you will manifest in your life. So if you change a belief from nobody Loves me to I Joyously accept Love in my life, you will start attracting situations in to your life that will make you feel Loved.
I dont buy it. Believe me growing up all I ever did was wish and pray that my life will become normal, that my mother would be happy and we could all enjoy life peacefully but really it never happened. 'Positive thinking' and wishing alone is not enough.
I agree, Positive Thinking alone won't do it. That's why you have to reprogram your subconscious beliefs. Its like positive thinking wants you to go one direction, but your subconscious belief is pulling you in the other direction so you're not moving either way. When you clear out the subconscious belief systems that are keeping you where you don't want to be, you have full access to manifest your life the way you want to =)

I dont buy it. Believe me growing up all I ever did was wish and pray that my life will become normal, that my mother would be happy and we could all enjoy life peacefully but really it never happened. 'Positive thinking' and wishing alone is not enough.
The Recent scientific research highlight the causes of depression. Genetic predisposition and hormones
linked to stress can play a role in menatl stress and depression. The wide range of treatments causes like
hormonal imbalances and stress. Treatment can mean spending time talking to patients about their physical and
emotional problems, examining their diet and exercise habits, and doing blood tests to look for medical or
environmental causes for depression.
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Unfortunately most depressed individuals do not allow the outside world to see their pain or their true feelings, meaning they go about their day normally without telling their friends or collegues what they truly feel, as a matter of fact most depressed individuals put on a happy face and joke around with others at home or at work in an attempt to fool them and make others think that they are having a 'normal' life. Very often when tragedy strikes and a depressed person takes their own life due to the severity of their depression/feelings their friends and family say they didn't see it coming- they all thought the person was just fine, didn't show any signs of major depression. It is very important to be vigilant to our friends and family members who go through traumatic experiences and pay attention to their behavior and attitude; We never truly know what another person is thinking.
I definitely don't agree with all of what you have said. There is situational depression. Which is caused a lot by situations.. such as like you said someone you are close to dying. But then there is chronic depression which is a type of depression that people usually feel for no good reason. I have experienced both. In high school my boyfriend died in a skiing accident and that is one of the causes of my depression. But I did not think "oh I can't be happy without him in my life". Because I knew he would want me to be happy.. One thing that caused my depression was just realizing that he was no longer on this earth and how he was only 18 and had so much going for him. He was going to college the following year and was one of the smartest people I knew. It was not fair that his life was cut short.
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I definitely don't agree with all of what you have said. There is situational depression. Which is caused a lot by situations.. such as like you said someone you are close to dying. But then there is chronic depression which is a type of depression that people usually feel for no good reason. I have experienced both. In high school my boyfriend died in a skiing accident and that is one of the causes of my depression. But I did not think "oh I can't be happy without him in my life". Because I knew he would want me to be happy.. One thing that caused my depression was just realizing that he was no longer on this earth and how he was only 18 and had so much going for him. He was going to college the following year and was one of the smartest people I knew. It was not fair that his life was cut short.
This is very correct. What happens to someone in life is very much capable of causing depression. I have seen it happen on more than one occasion and it's still happening.
I was listening to one guy's commentary the other day and he made a very strong point about why or what causes depression for most people. According to him, he stated that it's those who can't get out from their past that seem to be easily caught up with depression.
Anything can cause depression. It can be death of loved ones, bad situations or challenges, sickness or even any traumatic incidents that happened to the person.

It takes one to admit that he/she is depressed, telling families or close friends before the person can be better. Hiding it will only bring more sadness, depression and death. I always urge people to speak out when they can't do it again.