Being hit on by a much much older Person?


I personally have had 55+ whist being 20-30 hitting on me. I usually threaten to call the cops on them. What would you personally do in this situation?
I have seen where awfully old men marry a much younger ladies in their late 20's and early 30's. It's not something to call the cops for as long as they didn't abuse you sexually in public.
As a guy, I've never had any lady hitting on me talk more about the lady being too old for that matter. I think it's only older men who are into younger ladies because they are more juicy.
It depends on how old the person is. If she's at least 20 years older, I wouldn't mind. But when she's above 20 years, I will not feel comfortable having her hit on me.
It depends on how old the person is. If she's at least 20 years older, I wouldn't mind. But when she's above 20 years, I will not feel comfortable having her hit on me.
I’m talking about 70+ men hitting on 17-18 years old teens.
When I was younger, I used to have men in the early to late 20s who would try to hit on me, I would always politely tell them I wasn't interested and walk away.

Some can be a little too much though and that is when you have to be careful. Luckily I have not had anyone hit on me and not take no for an answer.
You should know what you want. As long as you do not fancy older ones then your response should be affirmative. If they should pressure you let them know you will take protective measures to keep them in check.
I have seen it happen countless time when an old man will be talking to a younger girl that he loves her and want to do everything for her. I know it's just a way to hit on the girl and get her on his bed. This hasn't happened to me but I won't take it lightly with any old man that will come closer to me with such comments.
Personally, I see age as just a number. As long as the person who's hitting on me is doing it in a respectful manner, I wouldn't have anything problem with it.
I find it disgusting when I see dudes hitting on girls that are old enough to be their daughters. Like for real? Have some shame bro.