Anyone has OCD?


Staff member
Everything has to be the same for me personally at least anyways. I love my routines and eternal sameness daily.
I have a very minor OCD which actually helped a lot at the height of Covid-19. I excessively wash my hands. I wash my hands after everything so much that they are always dry and I always need to moisturize and worst, my manicure never lasts because of all the washing!! I also prefer to use paper towels over hand towels as I feel that a towel only collects my dead skin cells and if I re-use a hand towel, I will just be reapplying old dead skin cells in my hands. When I was younger I also used to shower 3 times a day, otherwise I felt dirty, I felt like my body was contaminated. Over time, as I got older the over showering stopped, I now only shower twice a day, and of course, I use 2 body towels a day, I will never ever re-use a towel. I thank God I am a little anti-social and don't socialize often, otherwise I would be washing my hands and cleaning the germs and dirt off me a LOT more...
I think my OCD is quite similar to what @Cristina has posted. I went to the San Gennaro festival in NYC yesterday and once I got home, I had to shower. When I am around a ton of people I do not know and people bumping into me, I feel grossed out and need to shower ASAP.
Ever since the pandemic of coronavirus, it seemed like something changed in my till date because I tend to over wash my hands. At the touch of anything, I would wash my hands once I'm done. I always feel like I'm still heavily exposed to been infected. I can't go out without my hand sanitizer.
My own Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is with the repetition of words three times before I would be able to move on from the subject. It kind of makes me focus more on anything that's I'm talking about.
My own Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is with the repetition of words three times before I would be able to move on from the subject. It kind of makes me focus more on anything that's I'm talking about.
This must be weird for people who doesn't what OCD is all about. Imagine having to say the same thing three times all the time and they would be like what's wrong with you. I watched a movie where Liam Mason had his own OCD of having to do something three times, like moving a cup, locking the door etc.