Anyone has ADHD?


I used to be diagnosed with ADD, but currently with ADHD, hence why I take a mood tranquilizer, Lyrica, 150mg for sleeping. But as I'm seeing my GP on the 14th of November, I will be requesting sleeping pills like Seroquel, because I wake up for like 4-5 hours in the middle of the night, not knowing what to do, stressed out and panicked. So yeah.
This is a very serious health problem. I have a cousin who's suffering from the same thing and it's not been easy for his parents. He's been on medication for 4 years now and he's not getting better.
I myself do not have ADHD but I am pretty sure my son does. At the moment we are speaking with doctors to try and get him diagnosed but where he was referred they tried to say it was mental health so we are going back to the doctors again for another referral. He has issues with random loud outbursts, not sleeping at night and being very loud all the time, very fidgety we have also noticed he eats a lot more than he should and seems to eat just for the sake of eating. We are hoping he gets diagnosed and gets some help soon.