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  1. Kennysplash

    Common panic attack triggers.

    Panic attacks are rapid, sudden behaviors and actions exhibited by victims. It can include heavy breathing, feeling nauseous, sweating profusely and increased hear beat rate. The common triggers could be a shocking news or experience, sudden noise or movement, exposure to phobias and many...
  2. Kennysplash

    How do people with chronic depression manage to date?

    This is a question I was asked recently, and it’s not hard to figure out that the person is depressed. So it left me curious too, how easy is it to find someone to date? Also, when you do how do you keep the relationship a healthy one? This is a challenge for many, so your input would be...
  3. Kennysplash

    Does music help you feel better?

    One of the top and recommended remedy to depression is to listen to good music, music that uplifts the spirit and soul. But this idea is often met with criticism, as many claim that they get even more depressed after listening to music. What do you think?
  4. Kennysplash

    Hello everyone!

    Hello Krissy, welcome to talk depression. It’s great you have an amazing marriage, that somehow manages to keep sad feelings out does it not?
  5. Kennysplash

    Lonelypanda says hi.

    Hello Lonelypanda, it’s good to have you here. I’m happy to hear that you have overcome depression, and yeah your help will be greatly appreciated. Welcome!
  6. Kennysplash

    antidepressant and side effect

    If taken in the right doses, there is not much side effects. But the problem is many think every time they feel down then they have to use antidepressants. This can cause addiction, and of course addiction of anything is not healthy.
  7. Kennysplash

    Mindfulness is wonderful!

    Mindfulness simply mean living in the present and being aware of yourself and your surroundings. Depression is often caused by thinking too much about the past or the future. But being mindful makes you live in the present, while dwelling little about the past or future.
  8. Kennysplash

    Meditation and Depression

    Meditation is highly underrated. It can really help you get over depression faster and more effectively than any medication. As long as you do it correctly, it works wonders.
  9. Kennysplash

    Would you see a counselor with a Christian background?

    Professional counselors know not to include religion in their work, it is unprofessional. There is a fine line between therapy and religion, and it better not be crossed.
  10. Kennysplash

    Associating with people of the same faith.

    it really helps to spend time with people of the same faith when you are feeling depressed. These ones can can really help you to manage your feelings and help you cope. I have really come to understand that fact, and I do it frequently even when I am not depressed. Does it help you too?
  11. Kennysplash

    Laugh it out! 😅

    I’m seeing signs the second won’t last long too!
  12. Kennysplash

    Laugh it out! 😅

    The best way to deal with your problems and challenges is to make humor out of them. Do you know any joke or meme that can make one chuckle? Share with us!
  13. Kennysplash

    What scriptures help you through depression?

    I have found Psalms 34:18 to be of great help. It says that ‘God is close to the broken-hearted. He saved those who are crushed in the spirit.’ This scripture makes me understand that I am not facing my worries alone. I have the support of the Almighty who is always there to help me. Do you...
  14. Kennysplash

    Has a comment ever made you depressed?

    At some points in time you would have to come out, to your family, your friends, your workmates and your neighbors. But some people just end up making rude and negative remarks. Has a comment ever made you depressed?
  15. Kennysplash

    How to handle postpartum depression.

    The feelings a pregnant woman feel before giving birth might not be the same after birth. The sore body and the responsibilities of caring for the baby might cause her to feel depressed. What I feel might help is to get help. You might need the help of an older and mature person to take care of...
  16. Kennysplash

    The right relationship can cure depression.

    Perhaps you have experienced it. When you are with the right person, you feel as if you are on top of the world. You have less time to even think of whatever predicament you find yourself, and gradually your depression goes away. Have you experienced something like that with someone you date...
  17. Kennysplash

    Anorexia: A growing eating disorder.

    Youths and young adults today are so much concerned with how they look. Thanks to the entertainment industry, the idea of the perfect person is slim. Many now watch how they eat so that they do not gain weight and be perceived as unattractive. What do you think can be done to combat this...
  18. Kennysplash

    Loving two people at once?

    It’s absolutely not possible. When you think you love two people at the same time then you don’t love anyone of them. True love does not share its feelings with a third party.
  19. Kennysplash

    After a Rejection?

    A no means a no, I don’t push it. If possible I try to stop all interactions with the person or at least reduce it to the barest minimum. I can’t have myself being friend zoned as well. So it’s either a yes or it’s no more interactions.
  20. Kennysplash

    Relationships? What for?

    You mean romantic relationships right? Well I would not agree with your opinion. When you really meet the right person, you will have a different opinion. Be open minded, there are great people out there.