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  1. Dori

    Are there specific self-care habits that help lift your mood?

    The best self care habit that have helped me so much when I feel down is meditating. Once I'm done with my sessions, it works so well in lifting my mood with so much positivity.
  2. Dori

    Is enough being done about cyber bullying?

    No, not nearly enough is being done about cyber bullying. The max they do is suspend the bullies account which doesn't stop them from creating another account and start where they left off. There should be jail time and fine added to punishment for cyber bullying in my opinion.
  3. Dori

    How do most depressed people commit suicide?

    When you don't think there's any need for you to still keep in living, committing suicide seems like a good option at that point. It's why those who are depressed take that way out which they call easy way out.
  4. Dori

    What causes depression

    Who ever thinks or says that depression is genetic doesn't know what he or she is yapping about. There are so many things which can cause depression but genetics is not among them. Finances, relationships and job situations can cause depression for someone.
  5. Dori

    Have being in debt caused you depression?

    Finding yourself in a very serious debt can affect you physically, mentally, emotionally and psychologically. This is why it's very easy for someone with so much debt he or she doesn't have a way of paying off might fall into depression. Have being in big debt caused you depression?
  6. Dori

    Social Media Infused Depression In Relationship

    Do you think social media platforms are doing more harm than good with how they are affecting people's relationships. So many people believe all the lies they see on social media platforms which have negatively impacted on their relationship. What's your thoughts on this?
  7. Dori

    Babies and Toddlers?

    You expect babies not to cry? Are you being serious right now? Can you tell me that you didn't cry when you were a baby too? Anyways, it's your decision or choice I should say to feel that way about babies but as far as I'm concerned, babies are lovely.
  8. Dori

    Surrogate Mothers, anyone?

    I think that it was one of Kardashian's that said something about feeling disconnected with her kid as a result of the kid being born through surrogacy. According to her, it's making her depressed she's not feeling the link with her baby.
  9. Dori

    Which one is worst between Physical or Sexual Abuse?

    I can fight off physical abuse. It's something personally for me, I can be able to deal with it but when it's sexual abuse, that's something which can damage someone's soul. Anyone found guilty of sexual abuse should be killed in my opinion.
  10. Dori

    Feeling depressed after having unprotected sex?

    Why did she have sex with someone in the first place without using protection? She's very foolish in my opinion. She shouldn't be feeling depressed because it's what she wanted. Unless if she was raped, then it's something that I can understand.
  11. Dori

    Anxiety attacks in public?

    This is why I don't usually feel comfortable being in a public place with a lot of people. I'm clusterphobic which makes me have panic attacks whenever I'm in such situations. I just try as much as possible to get out of that space and I would be alright in a few minutes.
  12. Dori

    Constant washing of hands

    As far as I'm concerned, constantly washing of hands is a very good thing. Nothing minding the pandemic of coronavirus, it's something that I used to do very well. It's not a health issue at all or OCD.
  13. Dori

    Bisexuals and Lesbian Women falling in Love with me?

    I thought that I was the only person facing the same issue with these ladies and guys. At one point, I started feeling that maybe something was wrong with me for them to be coming to me. It's so annoying.
  14. Dori

    Online or Offline?

    There's nothing in this world that's going to make me fall in love with any lady I meet online and which would led me to starting a relationship with her. It's a complete joke to me because most times, all of it ends up being a waste of time.
  15. Dori

    Delivery Driving

    I have never been directly involved with delivery services. But I have been working with a company that's selling products to the general public. I help with processing DHL deliveries for their pick up.
  16. Dori

    Do you like playing on PC or Console?

    I prefer to play my video games on Playstation consoles. It's why I have been playing with Playstation consoles all my gaming experience. I'm currently playing with Playstation 4.
  17. Dori

    Over Working Myself..

    I can't help it overworking myself most of the time. This is because I have no one that's helping me to take care of all the responsibilities facing. Thus leaving me stressed out and depressed.
  18. Dori

    smoking problem

    One bad habit that I never fell into during my days of depression was smoking. It would have been very worst for me. My health would been compromised big time.
  19. Dori

    Causes of Depression

    I was listening to one guy's commentary the other day and he made a very strong point about why or what causes depression for most people. According to him, he stated that it's those who can't get out from their past that seem to be easily caught up with depression.
  20. Dori

    What do you all feel about consequences?

    Life is all about consequences. It can be either positive or negative consequences. Whatever we do in life comes with it. This is why I'm always very carefully with anything that I'm doing because I know that in one way or another, it's going to come back to me.