Search results

  1. Shortie

    Have you found medications helpful, or do you rely more on therapy?

    When it comes to depression and not feeling yourself, medication and therapy are the two things that tend to get prescribed depending on each individual. For some, medication works and for others, they prefer therapy but some tend to use both if that is needed. Which one have you found has...
  2. Shortie

    Are there specific self-care habits that help lift your mood?

    Depression can happen to all of us, some of us get slight depression and others tend to get depression pretty badly. Self-care is often advised to help with depression but this is not always going to help everyone. If you regularly participate in self-care routines, are there any specific...
  3. Shortie

    Is enough being done about cyber bullying?

    Cyberbullying has always been quite bad and has always been around, at one point there were no laws about cyberbullying which meant so many got away with bullying online no matter how much it affected the victim. Nowadays cyberbullying of any kind is taken seriously and those who cyberbully in...
  4. Shortie

    Is there enough awareness in schools for mental health among children and teenagers?

    Mental health is something that gets taken a lot more seriously than it used to and schools seem to understand and take mental health a lot more seriously than I ever remember when I was in school. Even though mental health is taken more seriously, there is still a lot of concern that there is...
  5. Shortie

    How social media influences self-esteem, body image, and peer pressure among teens.

    Social media has become popular over the years with many now using it daily and over the course of very many hours per day. Social media also has a lot of influencers that youngsters, especially teens tend to look up to and in some cases, these influencers tend to influence their body image...
  6. Shortie

    What are some common triggers for your anxiety, and how do you manage them?

    Those of us who suffer from anxiety may have picked up on common triggers that tend to flare up an anxiety attack which can help us detect when an anxiety attack will happen and how we can react to help with that. If you are someone who suffers from anxiety, have you noticed any common...
  7. Shortie

    How do you handle anxiety when it strikes at work or in public places?

    Anxiety doesn't have a specific place that it will trigger and it will always trigger when you least expect it. In most cases, anxiety tends to be worse for those who suffer in either workplaces or public places. When you are at work or in a public place and anxiety strikes, how do you handle...
  8. Shortie

    What are some strategies or techniques that help you cope with anxiety?

    Anxiety is never easy to deal with and much like depression, anxiety can trigger when you least expect it. It is always wise to have some kind of strategies or techniques that will help you cope with anxiety when it hits. If you are someone who suffers from anxiety, what techniques and...
  9. Shortie

    What was your first experience with anxiety like, and how did you recognize it?

    Anxiety is something that everyone experiences in their lifetime, it could be something that we go through rarely and can manage without issue but some of us could suffer from anxiety that can affect our day-to-day lives. What was your first experience with anxiety like? How did you recognize...
  10. Shortie

    What are some long-term goals you’ve set for managing your depression?

    Managing depression is never easy, one of the things I have always been told to help manage my depression is to set long-term goals that will help me manage my depression and help me through those tough times. If you suffer from depression, do you ever set long-term goals to help you manage...
  11. Shortie

    How do you maintain your mental health during periods when you’re feeling better?

    Mental health is very important and when we have times where depression is at bay and we are feeling better and more ourselves, we tend to want to keep that for as long as we can and make the most of the time we have feeling better. When you are feeling better and during those periods, how do...
  12. Shortie

    How do you stay hopeful during difficult times, and what keeps you going?

    Depression can trigger at any time and we are never prepared for when it may hit and how long it may last. During those difficult times, it is wise to stay as hopeful as you can, to understand that the feeling will pass and you will start to feel more yourself very soon. When depression hits...
  13. Shortie

    What are your thoughts on Destiny 2?

    Destiny 2 has been out for several years now but since the game went free-to-play and Bungie still updates the game and brings new content to the game regularly, it is still a very popular game being played. I love Destiny 2 and can get hooked so easily as it can become addictive. What are...
  14. Shortie

    How often do you listen to music?

    Music is something I love to listen to daily. I find listening to music not only motivates me but also helps my mood as well as that is always needed daily. There is never a day I go by that I do not listen to music in some way. How often do you listen to music?
  15. Shortie

    Your coping mechanisms when you lose a loved one?

    Losing a loved one is something that happens to us all in life and when that does happen, it can affect us mentally as well as physically. There are ways to be able to cope with losing a loved one but for each person, it can be different. When you lose a loved one, what do you find helps you...
  16. Shortie

    How do you handle a panic attack?

    A panic attack can come out of nowhere and hit you suddenly so it is always best to have a plan in place to deal with a panic attack when it strikes. If you are someone who suffers from panic attacks quite often, what do you find works well in helping you handle them?
  17. Shortie

    Have you ever gotten over an eating disorder?

    Eating disorders are not something we hear about often but they are quite common. Having an eating disorder is never easy but there are ways to overcome the eating disorder and be able to eat normally again though these can take a while. Have you ever been able to get over an eating disorder...
  18. Shortie

    Hi there

    Hi there, I am Shortie. I am a mother of 4 and I also suffer from depression and have done for a while. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in early 2019 and depression tends to come with that quite a lot. Hoping to speak with some like-minded people here and also share my advice in hopes it can...