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  1. J

    Building a Computer

    Who has built a computer? How do you compare it to a pre-built? Was it expensive? How long did it take? Was it a gaming computer? Who has simply thought about building a computer?
  2. J

    Computer Programming

    Is anyone into it? What can you program? What languages do you know? Where did you learn and when? What are some of your favorite languages?
  3. J

    Faith Healing Helps

    Yeah, I agree with that. Actually, some pastors like Joel Osteen ignore the salvation message. However, I can see how "hell, fire, and brimstone" can turn people off.
  4. J

    God Supplying All Needs and Even Sex

    The sexual desire isn't always greedy. Well, money is a need, but people are greedy about it, of course.
  5. J

    Faith Healing Helps

    Jesus' ministry was mostly about healing. It would be interesting to ponder why. Does anyone have thoughts?
  6. J

    Divorce and Depression?

    Yeah, but I had the government coming in take my kid and my wife blames me for it. It's one one of the worst situations to be in. Well, it wasn't my total fault. There was negligence on my part.
  7. J


    I like reading non-fiction. Never have cared for most fiction. Well, I've tried to open my mind to it, but I still only enjoy movies.
  8. J

    Trust in Friendships and Romantic Stuff

    You gotta trust to have a real friend or real romantic partner. That's all there is to it.
  9. J

    God Supplying All Needs and Even Sex

    I'm saying it's a taboo subject. But if God can really supply "all needs" as it says, then wouldn't that really be "all needs"?
  10. J

    Depression and Suicide and Being Weak

    That's true, but I think medicine is overemphasized. Also, I wouldn't doubt profits have a lot to do with that.
  11. J

    Trust in Friendships and Romantic Stuff

    Well, trust is also important - even to just keep a job or to gain God's favor. Anyway, many people including myself, have been immature in regards to trust. It's definitely a struggle, but if you truly value a relationship, then you will work on the situation.
  12. J

    God Supplying All Needs and Even Sex

    Not everybody can have sex. However, a deep relationship with God could help someone in prison or with some other problem. Well, this topic seems disprespectful or not cool to some people, but it's the "elephant in the room" I think. Anyway, I think God can supply all needs, but "all has to...
  13. J

    Jealousy in Relationships?

    Being possessive is a bad relationship move. I don't know how many are aware of that. It's pretty much common knowledge. However, though, if someone is strongly in love, I can understand jealousy, though it can be a tough pill to swallow when you have to act like stuff doesn't bother you. I...
  14. J

    Depression and Suicide and Being Weak

    Some macho types like to belittle anyone, especially guys, who say they are depressed etc. Well, I can understand up to a point. However, depression a perfectly human emotion. Anyway, though, I believe, due to my faith, that God can rescue people from depression if they will enter a strong...
  15. J

    Why do People fall in Love?

    Being around a person and caring for them will make you fall in love. Unfortunately, though, in my case, my wife just isn't into me as much as I am into her. Well, anyway, I don't think people fall in love with online dating. People have to be in intimate contact daily.
  16. J

    Domestic Abuse triggering depression

    I have endured some domestic abuse from a male and female. However, it coming from a male is too much to handle. It's made me seriously think about getting away. Note: I am not gay, lol. This is just a platonic thing. Anyway, not sounding sexist, but most men can hit harder than women.
  17. J

    Rejection and Depression?

    Of course I have, lol. It's the worst thing ever. It's as bad, maybe worse than actual pain. Anyway, I have also rejected women in the past, but not my wife. Well, I almost walked away from her a few times.
  18. J

    Cheating and Depression?

    Both of us have cheated. However, I'm a lot more forgiving than she is. That's not me trying to be self-righteous, though. I'm just very much in love with her.
  19. J

    Divorce and Depression?

    Divorce is a horrible thing and I think it should be avoided at all costs. However, though, when you have situations of abuse, abandonment, and just outright disloyalty, what is there to do? Well, if both partners are "out of the relationship" it can be done, but if one loves the other...
  20. J

    Depression in children from broken homes

    Yes, that's why I hold to a traditional view of marriage as espoused by the Bible. Nonetheless, a lot of marriages are gotten into without a lot of prayer and they could be full of a lot of abuse and whatnot. It's really a tough dilemma. You get abuse if things are continued, but also...