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  1. Mimi

    God Supplying All Needs and Even Sex

    I'm still thinking about how God supplies sex? You're the who goes out to look for whom to have sex with and God's doing in my opinion. Imagine blaming God for not making it possible for you to have sex 😂...
  2. Mimi

    The Other Woman/Man?

    I have had married men after me for years and I keep wondering why some people would marry without the intention of being only with their partner. They are just so horrible!!
  3. Mimi

    Which one is worst between Physical or Sexual Abuse?

    I wouldn't stand for any kind of abuse. They are all wrong. I'm of the opinion that anyone who sexually abuse and rape anyone should have their private parts cut out. It's the best punishment they deserve.
  4. Mimi

    Feeling numb and helpless

    Depression comes with a lot of uncertainty and confusion. It's always very difficult to deal with and you always lack confidence in anything that you're doing because you don't have any job in doing them.
  5. Mimi

    Do you enjoy being single or in a Relationship?

    Being a relationship depends on whom you are dating because if you are fortunate enough to meet someone who is very good, you will most likely enjoy relationship but when you meet with someone who is evil, dishonest and as well as a cheat, the relationship is going to be very depressing.
  6. Mimi

    Menopause and Depression?

    Unfortunately, I really wouldn't know how that feels because I'm yet to experience menopause. Maybe when I get older and start having it, then I will know if it's going to make me feel depressed.
  7. Mimi

    Teenage Moms, anyone?

    I feel that before you're talking about having a baby, you should be at least 24 years of age. I can't understand why a teenager would get pregnant and decided to be a mother. Why not stop having unprotected sex?
  8. Mimi

    Babies and Toddlers?

    We are all babies at one point in time and if no one looked after us and took care of us in every way possible, we wouldn't be alive today. I love babies so much especially female babies. They are a bunch of happiness and joy for me. I can't wait to have my own baby.
  9. Mimi

    Thoughts on Professionals and Clients Relationships?

    It's only perverts that would be interested in having a romantic relationship with their patients. I can understand co-workers developing feelings for each other after having worked together for a long time but for a doctor and his patient, that's absolutely disgusting.
  10. Mimi

    How do you feel about PayPal charge back?

    I have never had an issue with getting a charge back to any payments I have received on my PayPal. This is because I know the implications of getting a charge back that's not ruled in your favour by PayPal. PayPal might have your account limited.
  11. Mimi

    Depression and Suicide and Being Weak

    Yes, God is capable of healing anything. It's why miracle do exist. But also God isn't stupid when he allowed for the invention of drugs. Who God will help, also helps themselves. If you're depressed, seek for medical attention and not only going close to God.
  12. Mimi

    Polygamy vs Mogonogamy?

    From what's going on in the world today, even managing a monogamous family is very difficult and some fool would want to get into the hassle of running a polygamous. It's not something healthy to do to your kids.
  13. Mimi

    Marriage and Depression?

    As a lady, I expect myself to get married at the right time to the right person. If it's about rushing into marriage, that's not going to happen with me. It's part of the reason why we have so many divorce cases today.
  14. Mimi

    Does pregnancy cause depression?

    I have been there and I can tell you that it's not easy dealing with pregnancy and the depression it comes with. You would be worried for long 9 months till you give birth. It's never easy at all.
  15. Mimi

    Suicide Ideation, anyone?

    Which ever problems that made you to kill yourself to get out of would always be there waiting for your parents or siblings to face them. They would even have to deal with your death which isn't going to be easy too.
  16. Mimi

    Can you date someone suffering from Bipolar Disorder?

    This is where I stand with you on. Once you love someone good enough, you should be able to stand with or by them at all times in good and in bad. I would only take a walk when they aren't willing to get help.
  17. Mimi

    Does being isolated help you when you're depressed?

    I don't feel safe with people when I feel depressed. It's very hard to talk to people and that's very challenging. It's even why getting a grip of myself and getting help seems to elude me for a while now.
  18. Mimi

    Stress and Anxiety?

    I learnt the breathing in and out strategy when my anxiety kicks in and I become so stressed out. It's been helping me for a while now. One of my friend says that he vapes when that happens but I'm never going to do that.
  19. Mimi

    Mimi is here battling with Depression

    Hello everyone, my name is Mimi. I'm very happy to be here. I have battling with depression for at least 2 years now and I'm looking for every means to deal with it and be better again. I need all the help I can get.