Keeping friends who are toxic is always going to drain your life and make it miserable.
If you are smart enough, you should try as quickly as possible to cut off anyone who is toxic in your life.
I have the belief that when someone start being suicidal, it means that that person is very closer to the devil because it is only a devilish thought that will always come to your mind and start instigating for you to go and commit suicide.
It depends on what is causing someone depression because I believe that when that thing have completely been tackled, the depression is supposed to go permanently without any trace left.
Yes of course, listening to music always makes me feel better. It doesn't have to be about being depressed or anything but whenever I play music, I feel happy and excited.
It is going to be very difficult for your mind and your soul to be at peace if you are not sleeping. This is something that is very damaging to someone's health generally and it can cause depression.
This is exactly what I thought of because the guy wasn't a drinker before but as a result of his depression, he started drinking. So, the only way for him to stop drinking is for him to get his depression problem sorted out.
I would say that anyone who is suffering from depression should try as much as possible to avoid watching any movie that is going to trigger whatever that is causing them to be depressed.
Your financial status doesn't have anything to do with you being depressed or not because it happens to anyone. It is like asking if someone who is rich get sick. Everyone can be depressed.
The thing is that the same way you treat people is the same way they are going to treat you. This is why I have respect for those who respect me. Those who doesn't respect me, get all my scorn. This is how I take life and it's worked for me very well.
I've never been in an abusive relationship. I can never be in an abusive relationship because it's going to screw with my peace of mind. I can't abuse whom I'm in the same relationship with and I won't take being abused in my own relationship.
It depends on the kind of depression somebody is passing through. I have been depressed once and meditation never help me one bit. It was a complete waste of time.
What I have done for myself today is getting a good sleep last night. I wasn't in a hurry to get out of bed. When I finally got out, I brushed and went to the gym. Working out is good for one's health.
I feel that one of the reason why some people hate having anything to do with sex and romance is if they have been abused at one point in their lives. It makes them to have a serious turn off when it comes to sex.
I'm not a Trans and I can never be one because I'm very comfortable with my sex as a man. God created me well and blessed me abundantly down there with my manhood. I'm very satisfied with how manly I am. I can never give it up for anything.
It must have been a heartbreaking experience for you when you're reading your friend's suicide note.
I hope to never have to experience that because it's going to leave me broken up for a long time. Depression is wicked and sad.
Why do girls or ladies get more sexually abused than men? It's like man are built more to be abusers than the abused. I'm still waiting for the first lady that's going to do me the honors and she would see how I'm going to deal with her.
Cancer is a killer. I'm so sorry for your loss. All I can say is for you to take care and take heart. It's hard dealing with the death of a family member.
I don't have any close relationship with any celebrity. This makes it practically impossible for any of them to fall in love with me. They don't socialise with people online freely.
I used to suffer from bipolar disorder and it was a very challenging time in my life. It took about 7 years of great effort and medication before I was able to get better. I won't wish anyone to pass through what I did.
Trans is a very sensitive topic in the world today. To be very honest with you, I don't really understand them one bit but hey, I'm not going to get involved with how they want to live their lives.