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  1. Moonlander

    Alcohol and Depression - The Vicious Circle

    You see that temporary problem disappearance, some people do not mind it. They will be like 'as long as I forget my problems for a while, I'm good'. What a mentality!
  2. Moonlander

    Toxic Friends, anyone?

    The golden rule. Treat people the same way you will like to be treated. You can't treat me like shit and not expect me to return that to you. Its a game that 2 can play.
  3. Moonlander

    Being hit on by a much much older Person?

    I find it disgusting when I see dudes hitting on girls that are old enough to be their daughters. Like for real? Have some shame bro.
  4. Moonlander

    Marriage and Kids?

    Raising kids is actually a full time job in itself. It can be very tasking. Imagine not being able to sleep at night because the baby decided to spend the night crying instead of sleeping.
  5. Moonlander

    Sexual Harassment, anyone?

    That's terrible! This is why it is not advisable to leave children with one's relatives. You never know what kinds of thoughts they harbor.
  6. Moonlander

    What is your favorite TV show?

    My favorite TV show so far is Smallville. Yeah I'm aware it's been long but I still can't get over it. Some other TV shows came close, but they were unable to replace Smallville for me.
  7. Moonlander

    What's the last game you played?

    I played FIFA on playstation 5 some days ago. It was multiplayer against my friend, and it was a sweet one because I showed him who's boss 💪
  8. Moonlander

    Do you think depression ever goes away?

    Yes I absolutely believe that with the right therapy and proper companionship, depression can go away. It would look like it wasn't even there in tte first place.
  9. Moonlander

    Do you like your smartphone on ringout?

    I don't even like it when my phone vibrates. I prefer it ringing out loud so I'd easily know especially when I'm not with it.
  10. Moonlander

    Laugh it out! 😅

    Well here's one 😃
  11. Moonlander

    What helps you have control of your eating habits?

    I make sure that I prepare my foods by myself, thereby reducing the rate at which I eat outside. It is easier to control what I eat if I prepare the food myself.
  12. Moonlander

    What is your favorite movie genre?

    I actually prefer romance. It kinda trigger that feeling that I'm not alone in the way I feel when it comes to liking someone.
  13. Moonlander

    Which artists put you in a good mood?

    I'd say John Legend with his relatable lyrics in songs. Sometimes it feels like he is particularly talking about me in some songs of his.
  14. Moonlander

    Unrequited Love Kills!

    Should I say it is emotional immaturity that drives people to commit suicide because the people they love don't love them back? We need to understand that we can't choose who we fall in love with, so it is not their fault if the ones we love don't love us back. Suicide is not the answer.
  15. Moonlander

    Is there enough awareness in schools for mental health among children and teenagers?

    One thing I'm sure of is that there can never be too much awareness as far as mental health is concerned. Schools need to do more to educate the kids about such topics so that they will be more familiar with it and reduce the risk of falling into depression.
  16. Moonlander

    What if a spouse is depressed?

    As the partner, it is expected that you turn up for them and be a source of support and encouragement. Don't worsen the situation, try to lessen it.
  17. Moonlander

    Possession and Depression?

    That kind of union is just toxic. Nobody should be in such under any circumstances. Treating your partner as an object or one of your possessions is just the height of wickedness.
  18. Moonlander

    Friends with Benefits?

    I've got bad news bro. Friends with benefits majorly refer to a friendship with someone of the opposite gender, with sexual intimacy included. However, there is no emotional attachment in such an arrangement.
  19. Moonlander

    Too beautiful for my own Good?

    That's the best thing to do. You have no business being around people who constantly radiates negative energy.
  20. Moonlander

    What activities can help manage depression?

    Engaging in hobbies can help. Personally, if I notice I'm starting to feel even slightly depressed, I go out to have a nice time with my friends. I also engage in sporting activities like playing football, tennis and basketball.