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  1. Moonlander

    Is enough being done about cyber bullying?

    Cyber bullying will continue to exist as long as people think they can say anything online and get away with it. Funny enough most of them are people with very low self-esteem, so they try to make themselves feel better by bringing people down online.
  2. Moonlander

    Does music help you feel better?

    Music sure lifts my mood. And I mean the meaningful ones, not the ones that contain vulgar lyrics, as that can add insult on injury!
  3. Moonlander

    Alcohol and Depression - The Vicious Circle

    Ten folds? More like 50 folds. A depressed drunkard is like the lowest, it doesn't get worse that that.
  4. Moonlander

    Do you think depression ever goes away?

    I dont think this is a good idea. What if everything you have at home triggers the feeling, do you empty your house in that case? What is more important is to learn how to cope, regardless of the trigger.
  5. Moonlander

    Alcohol and Depression - The Vicious Circle

    I guess they don't know that. In any case, drinking is not the answer to whatever problem one is facing, the sooner people realize that the better for them.
  6. Moonlander

    What type of movies should people who are depressed stay away from?

    It is recommended that depressed people avoid watching some specific type of movies that can worsen their condition. Please I need help in knowing exactly the types of movies, so I'll appreciate some list of movies you think should be avoided. Thanks.
  7. Moonlander

    Do the rich also get depressed?

    Just a random thought that came to my mind. Those who are rich practically lack nothing materially. They can afford anything that they want, they can go on vacation to wherever they like and they can hang out in any spot of their choice. This makes me wonder if they tend to get depressed, since...
  8. Moonlander

    Why can't People take Rejections?

    That guy is a big disgrace to the brotherhood. That kind of behavior should not be acceptable anywhere, much less LinkedIn, a professional place!
  9. Moonlander

    Stigma of Panic Attacks and Anxiety.

    Indeed, the reason we don't know who faces these problem is because they don't go around carrying it on their head. Some people are even good at masking the feeling of anxiety with a smile that looks so genuine you wouldn't have guessed something is wrong.
  10. Moonlander


    I understand how you feel. Sometimes someone can be battling feelings of chronic anxiety and nobody will think it is a big deal. But deep down, only you know what you're facing.
  11. Moonlander

    How social media influences self-esteem, body image, and peer pressure among teens.

    The lifestyle that is being portrayed on social media has had a profound effect on the young ones today. Teenagers are influenced by what they see online, and would want to be like them.
  12. Moonlander

    Do you feel like no one cares?

    Exactly. We should not base our happiness on other people, otherwise we will end up being disappointed. I learned the hard way.
  13. Moonlander

    Anxiety and Depression: What is the difference?

    I'd say that everyone has battled feelings of anxiety at one point or another as it is more common. But depression is a more serious case, it can even lead to suicide.
  14. Moonlander

    How do people with chronic depression manage to date?

    You've got a point. But there are instances where the family members are not close to him at that particular time. A supportive partner will come in handy in such situations.
  15. Moonlander

    Why do People assume you're their Girlfriend or Boyfriend?

    That is mainly because the relationship was not defined right from the beginning. One party might be thinking they are in a relationship while the other will just be seeing it as friendship. There should be a clear definition of the relationship right from the beginning, no assumption
  16. Moonlander

    How do most depressed people commit suicide?

    It is common for suicidal people to hang themselves in my area. It got to a point that if you're holding a rope and walking on the street, you might get suspected.
  17. Moonlander

    How do people with chronic depression manage to date?

    Will it though? I suggest that finding a partner that actually understand them and is willing to help them get through it can make all the difference.
  18. Moonlander

    Can lack of sleep cause depression?

    Yes I believe lack of sleep can cause depression. The period one is awake can lead to different thoughts creeping in, which can serve as a trigger for the feelings of depression.
  19. Moonlander

    My brother can't quit alcohol in his depression

    Try to take away anything that can trigger the temptation for him to drink. Also, don't try to get him to stop at once, start by making him reduce his alcohol intake, little by little up to the point where he can go without it.
  20. Moonlander

    Do you think depression ever goes away?

    Well it might not work for everyone, but surely the majority can testify to it. Aside those two, what else can be done?