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  1. Sara

    Is anyone Asexual?

    Well, your points are valid though I'm not saying that you must be heartbroken before you met your right partner. Some people have really suffered before they got the better partner. Being extra careful in relationship will give you a clear head not to be used or heartbroken.
  2. Sara

    LGBT and depression

    I am so happy for that man. Trump being elected as the president of United States of America will be a testimony, miracle and also an open door to stop some nonsense which we have accumulated so far.
  3. Sara

    Why would a Transgender female regret doing so?

    Sometimes, I am always wondering why a parent will give a consent for their kid to be change from what they are born to another thing. Everybody should be wise enough to choose what they want and not do things because others are doing them.
  4. Sara

    Is anyone Trans?

    😂😂 It may sound like a hatred but that's how I also feel about them. They should stay away from me, I don't give them any reason to come closer to me though.
  5. Sara

    Toxic Friends, anyone?

    People on Twitter don't care about anybody's feeling no matter what you are passing through. Sometimes, I wonder if that's how they act in real life.
  6. Sara

    Girlfriend Blues

    Even if friends or girlfriends reject you because of what you don't know, it won't stop you from being nice. We are not what other people think we are, we can only be what we want to be in life through our mindset and set goals.
  7. Sara

    Lockdown and Depression

    I was depressed but during that lockdown, I was learning some of these online skills to keep myself busy. My luck was that I was also staying with my sister and it helped me a lot.
  8. Sara

    Alcohol and Depression - The Vicious Circle

    I know of a friend that love to drink. I was thinking it was just a habit but the truth was far from me because she was drinking because of depression. The day I found out, I was among those that fight tooth and nail to help her stop it. It was really hard but she won.
  9. Sara


    That's true. There must be something that will always bother both psychological, emotional or mentally. It's good to have people that we can talk to in order to lessen our depression.
  10. Sara

    Is anyone Schizoid?

    People need others to grow, be happy, talk to and also have interactions. Humans need humans to interact not machines. Sometimes, humans love pets because they don't have anyone that they can talk to.
  11. Sara

    Anyone has BPD?

    I don't have BPD though I might have researched about it. No sickness is ever good but when one is diagnosed with BPD, it takes time and the person's commitment to come out of it.
  12. Sara

    Is anyone Antisocial?

    I can talk to people so easily online though not everybody, I don't have friends apart my family members that I can talk to. Sometimes, I used to stay for one week or more before I talk to them.
  13. Sara

    Rescue Remedy, has Anyone Tried it?

    I have never heard of this even though there are other rescue remedy that I have heard. I don't depend on these anymore, I am free and I am happy about that.
  14. Sara

    How well did St. John's Wort work for you

    I can never take any drugs that's not recommended or even those that I have seen can help without someone's recommendation. These drugs might not be harmful but due to not knowing how to take them is a big worry to me.
  15. Sara

    Anyone loves Lyrica?

    I don't know about Lyrica besides it wasn't every drug that I can take to sleep well. Sometimes, the drug will be a double headache to me, the reason I stopped taking drugs and decided to find solutions on myself.
  16. Sara

    Anyone loves Seroquel?

    I used to take sleeping pills before I sleep but after some examinations, consultations and experiencing love from family, I started having a good sleep without pills.
  17. Sara

    Venlafaxine - Crazy Side Effects

    Venlafaxine is not a drug to take when someone is in a deep mess. I have tried it once and I have sworn never to try it again. It's a very crazy drugs and I won't advice anyone to take it.
  18. Sara

    My New Psychiatrist!

    The last time I visited a therapist, I was awed with how she handled my matter. She made it known that I am not to be blamed for anything that I am feeling. From those soothing words, I know that I have found someone I can talk to.
  19. Sara

    Which anti-depressant has worked best for you?

    I was on Zoloft back then. I will take one at night and one in the morning. It helps for sanity and calmness of the mind. I got myself and stop taking it.
  20. Sara

    What causes depression

    Depression can never be generic traits. It was far from it. Relationship, job issues, finances, lost of loved ones are the most things that cause depression. I haven't read about depression being of a genetic traits.