smoking problem

I gave up smoking more than 2 years ago. I'm really proud of myself. But whan I am with friends and them offer me a cigarette. I always took take it. can anyone suggest me how to say no? I am afraid of starting smoking once again.
Just say no. Say you have quit and that should be the end of it. In high school my whole crew smoked except for me. I really dont care if people smoke around me but I just would never smoke. It was never a problem saying no to cigs Just like saying no to drugs :)
Halishas I have smoked for years and is one of my biggest regrets ,If you can stay off them that would be great bad for you all the way around ,I have quit 2 times and I keep going back. Good for you Quitting is very hard.
Well, despite the fact that they can annoy you, they can't do anything to obligate you to smoke, and if they say that you either smoke or don't hang out with them anymore, the obvious choice is not hanging out with them.
hi halishas, I would like to let you know that it is a quite common reason which can be given on that why people can not leave smoking so easily because whenever some of our friends offer us cigarette then most people hesitates in saying no to clearly they accept their offered cigarette and start smoking again. I think saying no to friends for cigarette depends on our determination level. You would have to clearly say 'No, i have quit it sorry' to them.
Hi halishas,
You may apply some restriction's upon your self to say NO to the smoking while alone or with friends out there... I think that this would help you more.....
smoking is my biggest weakness

I have a smoking problem myself. Unfortunately i have not had the strength to quit as of yet. Everytime I get extremely stressed out, upset, or experience any other feeling that is difficult to deal with, I automatically reach for my pack of cigerettes and light one up. I'm up to a pack a day, which a year ago I was smoking maybe 6 cigerettes all day.

Congrats on quitting smoking! And I admire you for being strong enough to say no when you are offered one!!! :D


I have had a serious smoking addiction in the past and it was marijuna addiction. It was a good opium for me that I believed was helping me out through my depression.

It took me about 2 years before I was able to beat the addiction.
I gave up smoking more than 2 years ago. I'm really proud of myself. But whan I am with friends and them offer me a cigarette. I always took take it. can anyone suggest me how to say no? I am afraid of starting smoking once again.
If you cannot be able to say no to your friends who always offer you cigarettes whenever you are with them I think you should cut down how often you stay with them because they are seriously a bad influence on you.
One bad habit that I never fell into during my days of depression was smoking. It would have been very worst for me. My health would been compromised big time.
Quitting smoking is never easy to do. My mum and my dad both smoked cigarettes for years and they both one day decided they were done and wanted to quit, they did and never looked back. My dad smoked for 40 years and he never thought he would be able to do it but he did. My advice is to stand and think to yourself when you are offered a cigarette by your friends to say no and stick by it, remember all you went through to get where you are not and how much can be undone if you do end up it will usually help you to keep that willpower. Also, speak to your friends and explain to them as well, you will be amazed at how much they will understand.
Maybe it is time to let go of the kinds of friends you keep if they do not understand the journey you are on. First of all explain to them that you are trying to quit, if they do not pay heed then find better friends that will help you rather than drag you back.
The only thing and the people that I didn't get to be influenced by what they do are smokers. I was privileged enough not to smoke while depressed even when I got the urge. I haven't try smoking and I can't start it now.
I gave up smoking more than 2 years ago. I'm really proud of myself. But whan I am with friends and them offer me a cigarette. I always took take it. can anyone suggest me how to say no? I am afraid of starting smoking once again.
Open your mouth and say no, that's how it's done. Also, try cutting off those friends of yours who are not helping you remain free from smoking.