Panic Attacks, anyone?


I've had bad panic attacks at night before. What to do and how to cope with it? Re-focus on your breathing, sing-along with a song. Now I take Lyrica, 150, and they have completely gone and I sleep and eat better, am in a better mood too, less irritable too.
I don't have panic attacks but my little brother do. It's not something nice at all. He's almost afraid all the time and we try as much as possible to help him calm down.
I don't have panic attacks but my little brother do. It's not something nice at all. He's almost afraid all the time and we try as much as possible to help him calm down.
Music therapy helps as well as breathing in deeply and exhaling deeply and focusing on each breath does. Does he take any medication for it, @Zuby? I have a mood tranquilizer that knocks me out at night so yeah. I hope he can find some peace with this. It is really scary because it feels like you’re having a heart attack and you’re about to die and your brain is thinking so at the same time making it more difficult for the person. I truly sympathize and empathize with those who have panic attacks especially at a very young age and having it for their 1st time too. Does he have a psychiatrist who can prescribe him medication for it?
I never used to have panic attacks myself even though I was always an anxious person, that was until I got into a relationship that ended up being mentally abusive. Now I find that if I get too anxious about something, I will go into a panic attack and unless I have someone there with me to help me, I can find it difficult to focus and try to calm myself down. My daughter too suffers from panic attacks and had one just yesterday due to the stress at college she is going through. I told her to breathe and just focus and not worry. She ended up sleeping it off eventually which I also think helps as well.
Perhaps engaging in a hobby that you like can help. It can be reading, listening to music or watching your favorite show. You might need to explore and try out a lot of options to determine the ones that works best for you.
Whenever I have this attack, I will only make sure to play some music using my earpiece in order not to disturb anybody or even show people around that I am going through a lot of things. It has worked for me for a long time now.
My panic attacks isn't too bad. It's something I can manage easily with my medication. Those with serious panic attacks are the ones I feeling for because I know how uncomfortable that makes someone.