Recent content by Zuby

  1. Zuby

    Friends with Benefits?

    I don't mind having a friend's with benefits arrangement with a girl I like but not interested in having a serious relationship with her. As long as we both help each other out, I'm good with it.
  2. Zuby

    How do you handle an obsessive relationship?

    Never displease yourself to please another person. You definitely did the right thing for yourself. If you had stayed in that type of relationship for a long time, it will become toxic.
  3. Zuby

    Thoughts on Cheaters?

    I am the kind of person that is very strict when it comes to being a relationship. This is the reason why I don't forgive cheating. The moment you cheat on me and I found out, it is the end of the relationship.
  4. Zuby

    Have you dated anyone narcissistic personally?

    There is no way I would even start relationship with someone with narcissistics personality because I will find out immediately before having anything serious with that kind of person.
  5. Zuby

    Relationships, what for?

    Relationship is a very good thing if you can find the right partner for yourself who will care and tolerate you and also help you to get better. But if you can't find that kind of person, it is better to stay single.
  6. Zuby

    Sexual Harassment, anyone?

    Sexual harassment is a punishable crime by law and I believe that if someone sexually harassed you, you should make sure that the authorities take effect and punish the person.
  7. Zuby

    Why do People assume you're their Girlfriend or Boyfriend?

    I hope that those who are usually assuming a relationship status with someone will know how damaging that can be for them especially when the person is not feeling exactly the same way. They are setting themselves up for a serious hurt when the person finally rejects them.
  8. Zuby

    Why can't People take Rejections?

    I believe that you did the right thing and I hope that the guy is going to be sanctioned for what he's doing because it is not right. I hate it when someone treats a lot of people in this manner.
  9. Zuby

    What if a spouse is depressed?

    There are some depression which would need professional help to treat. It's not something random that you can do for your partner alone because you want to be there for him or her.
  10. Zuby

    Do you feel like no one cares?

    This is why I don't like depending on others all the time because they can disappoint you when you least expect it. It's in the nature of human beings to act like that.
  11. Zuby

    Raising children while dealing with depression

    Raising kids can be very challenging in the world today. With how social media have been affecting everything, they are exposed to so many things that's going to be out of your hands to control. If you're not mentally and physically strong, you will definitely be depressed.
  12. Zuby

    LGBT and depression

    Honestly, I don't understand anything someone who claims to be LGBT or Transgender goes through because as far as I'm concerned, they brought it upon themselves. The only sex I know of is male and female.
  13. Zuby

    The Oldest Person to fall in Love with you?

    I will never have anything to do with someone who's too old for me in relationship. It's not normal to be in a relationship with someone's that's old enough to be my father or mother. It's again that law of nature.
  14. Zuby

    Online or Offline?

    Dating online is very stressful. How can I be dating and in a relationship with someone that I can't be close to feel whenever I miss him or her. I will never waste my time trying to date online. Dating offline is the best way to be in a relationship.
  15. Zuby

    Lack of exercise

    I wouldn't say that lack of exercise is a factor in causing someone to be depressed because I know some people who don't workout in their life and they are not depressed because they are also engaged in some other outdoor activities that is different from working out.