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  1. Zuby

    Raising children while dealing with depression

    Raising kids can be very challenging in the world today. With how social media have been affecting everything, they are exposed to so many things that's going to be out of your hands to control. If you're not mentally and physically strong, you will definitely be depressed.
  2. Zuby

    LGBT and depression

    Honestly, I don't understand anything someone who claims to be LGBT or Transgender goes through because as far as I'm concerned, they brought it upon themselves. The only sex I know of is male and female.
  3. Zuby

    The Oldest Person to fall in Love with you?

    I will never have anything to do with someone who's too old for me in relationship. It's not normal to be in a relationship with someone's that's old enough to be my father or mother. It's again that law of nature.
  4. Zuby

    Online or Offline?

    Dating online is very stressful. How can I be dating and in a relationship with someone that I can't be close to feel whenever I miss him or her. I will never waste my time trying to date online. Dating offline is the best way to be in a relationship.
  5. Zuby

    Lack of exercise

    I wouldn't say that lack of exercise is a factor in causing someone to be depressed because I know some people who don't workout in their life and they are not depressed because they are also engaged in some other outdoor activities that is different from working out.
  6. Zuby

    Anyone has BPD?

    From my experience with borderline personality disorder, it's very depressing personality problem that should be taken very seriously. When it gets too pressing, the victim commits suicide without any second thought.
  7. Zuby

    Faith Healing Helps

    If you're not someone who's religious, it's going to be very difficult for faith to work for you in taking care of your depression. But when you believe in God, everything is possible.
  8. Zuby


    Even without being depressed, mediation is something that's very good for the mind. It's why I learnt how to do yoga. It's been an excellent experience for me for years.
  9. Zuby

    Did you find out your kids were having unprotected sex?

    It's very important to give your kids proper sex education once they come of age. This will help them to make better decisions when it comes to how they engage in sexual activities.
  10. Zuby

    John Wick 4

    I can't wait to watch this movie. It feels like 24th March is still very far but I can wait. There are so many other movies to use and kill time till then.
  11. Zuby

    Do your Children Know About your Mental Health?

    My kids will always know everything that's going on with me because they are the one's that I'm living with. In case anything goes wrong with me, they should know what to do immediately to help me.
  12. Zuby

    "Personally, I'm also very rich!"

    People make use of social media sites for different purposes. What's important is for you to know exactly what you want and not be influenced with what others say to you.
  13. Zuby

    Anxiety attacks in public?

    It's never something that's good to deal with. If you're not strong enough, it's going to leave you embarrassed big time. It's why I use a fidget roller to deal with the anxiety and stress. I press on it too hard and it helps.
  14. Zuby

    Academic Depression, Anyone?

    I will surely feel depressed over failing my course especially when there's a chance of my getting expelled from school. A friend of mine was in that predicament years ago when we were still in college. It was never easy.
  15. Zuby

    Anyone loves Seroquel?

    I don't usually take any pills for me to be able to sleep at night. The very first time I tried out Seroquel 25 mg, I over slept. It's when I knew that it's not good for me.
  16. Zuby

    Does being isolated help you when you're depressed?

    Once you're depressed, even your own company alone isn't good and healthy for you to be in alone. Anyone who's depressed, will definitely need more people around him because it's going to help him get better.
  17. Zuby

    Suppressing depression

    From my experience with being depressed, the more you try to have it suppressed, the more it gets worst. You have to be open about it and know that you need help. It's the only way that you can start on the right path of having it treated.
  18. Zuby

    Depression and Work?

    It's a shame that we have to work more than we required because we have so much responsibilities to take care of. I work at least 60 hours in a week and it's too much to deal with.
  19. Zuby

    Meditation and Yoga?

    Meditation helps you to know how to tap into your calmness. It builds you up to be calm when you're being provoked. I try to get into meditation once every week.
  20. Zuby

    Raped by three cousins

    A friend of mine told me a horrible story about her past today. She told me that three of his cousins raped her when she was just 11 years and she never got to tell her parents till date. Now, she's 25 years and feels like letting her parents know about what happened. What advice would you...