Recent content by Eclipse

  1. Eclipse

    What your favorite console?

    I am more of a PC gamer and have been most of my life. Although, I have owned an Xbox One and PlayStation 4 previously. I prefer PlayStation of the Xbox
  2. Eclipse

    What's your Top 5 favorite TV Series?

    My top 5 favorite TV series are (in no particular order) Breaking Bad Psych Prison Break The Office Flash Point
  3. Eclipse

    Suppressing depression

    Many people are in the same boat as you, others may not understand why you're depressed as they see no reason to be. But, ultimately, they don't understand your thoughts and feelings Status doesn't fix depression. Just look at all the celebrities who have dealt with depression. They have a job...
  4. Eclipse

    Guided Meditation, anyone?

    I haven't meditated before but have heard of various different apps that promote meditation and relaxation. I'll have to give one a shot, I've heard from some people that meditation relieves so much stress and is a game changer
  5. Eclipse

    Depressed Children

    I think it's important for parents to have a close relationship with their children. Most times than not, children will hide things from their parents and won't speak their emotions or what they're going through. The public school system also has a play in this, as kids can get bullied and will...
  6. Eclipse

    How do you develop friendships if you feel you have nothing to offer?

    In this day in age, anything can be done online. Forums, for example, are a great way to meet people online without having to worry about face-to-face interactions. I would also suggest finding a hobby, many cities/towns have groups who share the same hobby and meet occasionally to do said...
  7. Eclipse

    He left my sister

    I would definitely talk to her, I have never seen someone heal from finding a rebound. All it does is delay the healing process. People need to remain single after a breakup, reflect on the challenges and focus on the lessons learned to be a better person for your next relationship
  8. Eclipse

    Bereavement - A Major Trigger

    I just lost a loved one several months ago, it was definitely not easy to deal with. I think it's important to surround yourself with friends and family in these unfortunate times. Being alone will leave you and your thoughts to run wild. It's important to be there for others experiencing it and...
  9. Eclipse

    Anxiety attacks in public?

    How do you deal with anxiety attacks in a public setting, or even during a virtual meeting in front of a lot of people?
  10. Eclipse

    Can you date someone suffering from Bipolar Disorder?

    I agree with supra, I don't think anyone should hold something like a bipolar disorder against someone. As long as they are making the effort to control it. I don't see any reason not to date someone for that I think in the end, as long as you love someone, you will be able to tolerate and...
  11. Eclipse

    Eclipse here

    Hey everyone, I'm Eclipse! I've been part of forums for many years and glad to be part of this community! I know how important mental health is and happy to see a community like this exist