
Shemales porn ( shemale and female) are really attracting me? Is this normal or...?
Does anyone ever feel like this? Or maybe original no longer intersts me.
I dont think is the norm. If I had a boyfriend and he tells me that he is into Shemale porn I would think that he may be gay. I mean, what else can I think, a shemale has a penis so why would my boyfriend like a woman with a penis????? but whatever you like is what you like.
But that a difference? Male with penis or female with penis? In my opinion watching girl body is more attractive then man. Could it mean i am bisexual?
I guess you are attracted to the female body, but also to male genitals. I wouldn't say this is a normal behaviour, but there are shemales porn for a reason, and certainly there are few people that might like it as well
If you really enjoy watching it, it's not wrong. And you don't need to change, if you like it, enjoy it, and don't let other say what you can and cannot watch
I think its normal in todays age because normally people have the tendency to be fascinated by something that they have not been exposed to before...
Nude pictures were popular first, because they were "new" and taboo..then nude pictures just became too common and the medium got more extreme to videos, and then porn became common, and what you see now a days is extremes in porn, and that includes shemales i guess..

I had a friend who once said that If you watch too much porn, you'll eventually move on from normal porn to more hardcore stuff because the "normal" porn will start getting boring for you...and eventually you'll end up watching gay porn to entertain yourself lol
It sounds like you may be attracted to guys! hey, thats your thing, dont be ashamed but i dont think its a good idea to tell co-workers and family.. just my opinion!
hey there. I joined this site because i was excited about this section, but when I looked in it, the only topic was this. So I started reading it, and every post got my blood boiling more than the last.

First off I would like to say that using the words "shemales" or "trannies" are actually very derogatory terms to use for many transgendered people. There are a good number of trans men and women who accept these terms, but only do so because they work as sex workers, and their johns (clients) only know them by those terms. To a lot of trans woman, though, it's very rude. No term is completely safe to use when refferring to trans men and women, but the more generally accepted ones would be transsexual, or transgender, or simply trans if u want to be informal but polite.

On that note I would like to state that there are only a large number of trans women that do sex work because other work is so often unavailable to them. most trans woman are highly educated and underemployed, due to discrimination from potential employers.

to posts number 2, 6 and 9: I have this to say. Just because I am transgendered does not mean I am any less female than a woman that was assigned the female gender role since birth. In the case of sex, for example (and I am being very open with this for the sake of being informative), I'm a trans woman myself, And I date women. the distinction between me and your boyfriend is I'm a lesbian. In fact I identify more strongly as simply a woman, and as a dyke, than I do as a trans person. And my girlfriend totally gets this. so what this means is, in my case at least, where I am so disgusted with the genitals I've had since birth that sex in general is uncomfortable for me. when I'm in bed with my girl I just focus on pleasuring her, and I'll even go so far as to never take my pants off. it's tough but hey, it is what it is.

Another example: A trans guy I knew, before he transitioned, he dated men. he identified as a straight woman at the time (I'm not sure who he dates now) but every time he had sex with his boyfriend at the time, he would cry, because that is just how wrong it felt for him to be penetrated. in the 1970s there was a small community of trans men that identified as lesbians before their transition, they were called "stone butches" because of their refusal to be penetrated. now that transitioning is more widespread, there aren't nearly as many stone butches.

anyways I just wanted to point this out because I want to prove to you just how far someone who is trans may go to try to be comfortable with their own body.

This isn't to say there aren't trans men and women who are totally fine with their genitals, there are a quite a few.

you are not a homosexual for loving or having sex with a trans woman.

There is a study going on right now in europe, where they look at the brains of deceased trans men and women, both on or off hormones, and compare them to cisgendered (biologically born) men and women. the study finds that, thus far, every trans person they have studied, exhibited brain patterns more similar to that of the gender they identify with, NOT the gender they were assigned at birth. unfortunately the study is small, because there aren't that many dead trans people, and even fewer willing to get their brains opened up after they die.

also, to be safe I'd like to kill off a few stereotypes. Just because I am a trans woman does not mean that I dress like a sex worker. in fact I hate high heels and dresses, I much prefer my american combat boots, jeans, studded belts and leather jackets. I'm not a barbie doll, thank you very much.
hey there. I joined this site because i was excited about this section, but when I looked in it, the only topic was this. So I started reading it, and every post got my blood boiling more than the last.

First off I would like to say that using the words "shemales" or "trannies" are actually very derogatory terms to use for many transgendered people. There are a good number of trans men and women who accept these terms, but only do so because they work as sex workers, and their johns (clients) only know them by those terms. To a lot of trans woman, though, it's very rude. No term is completely safe to use when refferring to trans men and women, but the more generally accepted ones would be transsexual, or transgender, or simply trans if u want to be informal but polite.

On that note I would like to state that there are only a large number of trans women that do sex work because other work is so often unavailable to them. most trans woman are highly educated and underemployed, due to discrimination from potential employers.

to posts number 2, 6 and 9: I have this to say. Just because I am transgendered does not mean I am any less female than a woman that was assigned the female gender role since birth. In the case of sex, for example (and I am being very open with this for the sake of being informative), I'm a trans woman myself, And I date women. the distinction between me and your boyfriend is I'm a lesbian. In fact I identify more strongly as simply a woman, and as a dyke, than I do as a trans person. And my girlfriend totally gets this. so what this means is, in my case at least, where I am so disgusted with the genitals I've had since birth that sex in general is uncomfortable for me. when I'm in bed with my girl I just focus on pleasuring her, and I'll even go so far as to never take my pants off. it's tough but hey, it is what it is.

Another example: A trans guy I knew, before he transitioned, he dated men. he identified as a straight woman at the time (I'm not sure who he dates now) but every time he had sex with his boyfriend at the time, he would cry, because that is just how wrong it felt for him to be penetrated. in the 1970s there was a small community of trans men that identified as lesbians before their transition, they were called "stone butches" because of their refusal to be penetrated. now that transitioning is more widespread, there aren't nearly as many stone butches.

anyways I just wanted to point this out because I want to prove to you just how far someone who is trans may go to try to be comfortable with their own body.

This isn't to say there aren't trans men and women who are totally fine with their genitals, there are a quite a few.

you are not a homosexual for loving or having sex with a trans woman.

There is a study going on right now in europe, where they look at the brains of deceased trans men and women, both on or off hormones, and compare them to cisgendered (biologically born) men and women. the study finds that, thus far, every trans person they have studied, exhibited brain patterns more similar to that of the gender they identify with, NOT the gender they were assigned at birth. unfortunately the study is small, because there aren't that many dead trans people, and even fewer willing to get their brains opened up after they die.

also, to be safe I'd like to kill off a few stereotypes. Just because I am a trans woman does not mean that I dress like a sex worker. in fact I hate high heels and dresses, I much prefer my american combat boots, jeans, studded belts and leather jackets. I'm not a barbie doll, thank you very much.

Here here! I was quite upset from many of these comments as well. Plus, who do people think they are telling this poster he has to be homosexual. Sexual attraction is a complex thing. Somebody else can't decide for you what your sexual orientation is based on a forum post. If we weren't so determined to make it such a black or white, right or wrong issue, people would recognize how complicated the concept of gender and sexuality really is.
Rem, thank you for your insight and all the information provided, especially for sharing with us your personal experience as a transgendered woman. Unfortunately many of us are not educated on this particular subject and are ignorant to the many issues that transgendered individuals go through or even what the term 'transgender' really means, so reading your post was absolutely enlightening. The reality is that not many people will go out of their way to learn about transgendered individuals and posts like yours are definetely needed. Thank you :)


There's nothing right or normal about this kind of feeling or attraction. If it was just a lady that you're attracted to as a lady, it's understandable but a shemale, it's completely weired and spiritual too.
There's nothing right or normal about this kind of feeling or attraction. If it was just a lady that you're attracted to as a lady, it's understandable but a shemale, it's completely weired and spiritual too.
Except for this is completely fine. Homosexuality is fine, and it's okay to be attracted to femboys. (That's the current term.) Also trans women exist and they are women and some don't have surgery and it's fine to be attracted to them.
It sounds like you may be attracted to guys! hey, thats your thing, dont be ashamed but i dont think its a good idea to tell co-workers and family.. just my opinion!
Most of the time people fail to understand such kind of people and that is why they try to hide who they really are and what they like when it comes to their sexuality.
Except for this is completely fine. Homosexuality is fine, and it's okay to be attracted to femboys. (That's the current term.) Also trans women exist and they are women and some don't have surgery and it's fine to be attracted to them.
A trans women isn't a woman to me. It's my opinion on this!!
Do shemales menstruate? I can't understand why a man would want to become a woman. Gioving and period cramps are pretty painful, I'd rather be a man for me personally at least anyways.
Shemales porn ( shemale and female) are really attracting me? Is this normal or...?
Does anyone ever feel like this? Or maybe original no longer intersts me.
This is not normal in any way possible. I would suggest that you get help as soon as possible because it's too late. You can see a therapist and see what help or solution that you can profer.
Shemales porn ( shemale and female) are really attracting me? Is this normal or...?
Does anyone ever feel like this? Or maybe original no longer intersts me.
There's nothing normal or attractive about shemales porn. They are very disgusting. I can't stand seeing them. The first time I watched them in acting porn, I felt like vomiting.
There's nothing normal or attractive about shemales porn. They are very disgusting. I can't stand seeing them. The first time I watched them in acting porn, I felt like vomiting.
The first time I tried watching them, I felt like vomiting. It's disgusting and unattractive to me. Shemales porn needs to be ban.
Are they real because they look an abomination of epic proportion. How would someone be interested in having sexual affair with a lady that have both female and male organs? It's unheard of. Trump should do something about this madness.
Shemales porn ( shemale and female) are really attracting me? Is this normal or...?
Does anyone ever feel like this? Or maybe original no longer intersts me.

I have always seen this as something that is Antichrist related because it is not possible for one person to have both male and female sexual organs. It's not the work of God.